Scottish Elections Result

29 Aug 2003
It will be interesting to see the quality of the Labour candidates joining the Scottish parliament and if they can bring anything new. It's going to be a shock for a few having to go in and take up positions when they weren't actually expecting too, certainly not so quick. Dropped in at the deep end against the calibre of the SNP... it wouldn't seem to bode well at all for Labour reform.

Edit : Scottish National Front? :rolleyes: **** off, that's what I think of my democracy ;)

SNP Linlithgow by Fiona Hislop! Hehe I feel like a kid in a sweetie shop this morning :D
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7 Nov 2009
It will be interesting to see the quality of the Labour candidates joining the Scottish parliament and if they can bring anything new. It's going to be a shock for a few having to go in and take up positions when they weren't actually expecting too. Dropped in at the deep end against the calibre of the SNP... it wouldn't seem to bode well at all.

It depends how much they'll follow Iain Grays lead. If they can go in and stir things up a wee bit then it cold be quite entertaining and actually get some decent debate going.
However, if they bow down to Iain Gray and just remain the same Labour party as they've been in recent years then the SNP will walk all over them.
Alex Salmond is one of the best politicians in this country. I have no qualms in saying that.
Of course, the way it is going, it doesn't really matter. The SNP are going to have a decent majority so the opposition aren't really going to have a chance to do much eh?

SNP gain in Linlithgow. Time to add that to my Ctrl+V I think.
7 Nov 2009
Lord Foulkes saying that it's been a terrible night. Blaming the media for attacking Iain Gray and he's been victimised but he's "stood up to it with dignity and great courage". Blaming right wing businessmen for messing up Labours chance. Suggesting people who give the SNP big donations (David Murray & the head of Stagecoach) will benefit greatly for doing so.
29 Aug 2003
It depends how much they'll follow Iain Grays lead. If they can go in and stir things up a wee bit then it cold be quite entertaining and actually get some decent debate going.
However, if they bow down to Iain Gray and just remain the same Labour party as they've been in recent years then the SNP will walk all over them.
Alex Salmond is one of the best politicians in this country. I have no qualms in saying that.
Of course, the way it is going, it doesn't really matter. The SNP are going to have a decent majority so the opposition aren't really going to have a chance to do much eh?

SNP would have to murder people in the streets for Labour to overturn these majorites in some places.

I'd go as far to say that not only will we have 9 years of SNP rule, but if Labour stay as innefective as they are we could possibly have 14 years, maybe even more if all goes well. For my ideal situation, it isn't looking too unlikely now.

SNP gain in Linlithgow. Time to add that to my Ctrl+V I think.

29 Aug 2003
Lord Foulkes saying that it's been a terrible night. Blaming the media for attacking Iain Gray and he's been victimised but he's "stood up to it with dignity and great courage". Blaming right wing businessmen for messing up Labours chance. Suggesting people who give the SNP big donations (David Murray & the head of Stagecoach) will benefit greatly for doing so.

Foulkes is a convicted thug who assaults people when he's had one too many, drunk old git.

His opinions match what comes out his rear end every morning;

"Lord Foulkes: “The SNP are on a very dangerous tack. What they are doing is trying to build up a situation in Scotland where the services are manifestly better than south of the border in a number of areas.”

Interviewer Colin Mackay:”Is that a bad thing?”

Lord Foulkes: “No, but they are doing it deliberately.”

Iain Gray just now - "SNP ran a campaign of personality, a very harsh campaign against Labour". Christ, someone shoot the bloody idiot now. You couldn't make it up, unless your surname happens to be Gray. :rolleyes:
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7 Nov 2009
Right, I'm going to go to bed. Need to get a few hours kip.

Nice chatting with you, sure there'll be bit more to be said tomorrow! Let's hope the Conservatives can fight back with the list.
29 Aug 2003
Yeah I know i'm just stunned, it's a shame I'll be at work when the lists are coming out.

I'll be taking a radio in with me :D

Take it easy dude
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