Scottish Elections Result

Latest scores from the BBC with 57 out of 73 declared:

SNP 39 5 44 +20
LAB 14 6 20 -12
CON 2 2 4 -3
LD 2 0 2 -6
OTH 0 1 1 +1

First figure is constituency, second is regional, third is total and final is the seats gained/lost overall. SNP are crushing the rest at the moment, I'm not sure whether that speaks to their quality or dissatisfaction with the paucity of the opponents - perhaps both.
Voted for SNP, despite not caring about independence. I simply cannot stand Labour and at least believe the SNP fight for issues concerning Scotland.

Well done to the SNP, hope they get the full majority.
Latest scores from the BBC with 57 out of 73 declared:

SNP 39 5 44 +20
LAB 14 6 20 -12
CON 2 2 4 -3
LD 2 0 2 -6
OTH 0 1 1 +1

First figure is constituency, second is regional, third is total and final is the seats gained/lost overall. SNP are crushing the rest at the moment, I'm not sure whether that speaks to their quality or dissatisfaction with the paucity of the opponents - perhaps both.

They have done a pretty decent job in the last term, far better than most people expected so its right that they are given another chance, whether the volume of the coalition in the last term kept them more honest than most, I guess we will find out in the next term. Im not that suprised by the results though, Salmond has done a decent job.
Do we think with an SNP majority we will be seeing the referendum on independance this term?

We might see a referendum on independence this term but I've got my suspicions we won't as I'm not sure if there's enough of popular opinion to make it likely of success and Alex Salmond being the good politician that he is would know that to offer it and have it batted down would be very damaging. I'd expect it within the next ten years or so if the SNP continue to do a decent job and gain in popularity but maybe not this term.

Then there's a question of whether I'd want a referendum this term - I'd like to see a referendum as it should hopefully settle the issue one way or the other.

Following that there's the question of the result - I'd prefer to see Scotland remain as part of the Union as I think that overall the whole country is better together. However if the majority wanted independence then I'm sure Scotland would survive and even prosper in the longer term, I suspect that it would initially be rather difficult and fraught but there's a decent chance that a success could be made of it.

I'm undecided on the issue of whether England/Wales/Northern Ireland should get any say in independence for Scotland, the breakup of a union in national terms as in matrimony affects a number of other parties so in some ways it would seem fairest if there could be some consensus - is it a no fault divorce with all parties wanting the split and therefore potentially affecting the division of assets or is it to be a unilateral divorce which means that one party may be more prejudiced in the division?

They have done a pretty decent job in the last term, far better than most people expected so its right that they are given another chance, whether the volume of the coalition in the last term kept them more honest than most, I guess we will find out in the next term. Im not that suprised by the results though, Salmond has done a decent job.

From what I've heard there haven't been any huge complaints over most of the SNPs running of the country so as you say it's fair enough they get another chance, I'm not convinced a huge majority will be a good thing overall though as the current situation may have kept some of the worst impulses in check.
It seems like Labour completely dropped the ball by assuming they would gain all the Lib Dem disillusioned voters, instead the swing went to the SNP.

Also Labour could not have chosen a weaker Leader in Scotland if they tried. Watching Iain Grey debating was cringeworthy. Labour were also hit hard by some of the scandals with mp expenses too imo.
Could someone just summarise what the implications for all this are..?

Then when I am at the pub I can regurgitate your opinions and pass them off as my own in the interest of sounding knowledgeable on current affairs.
Given the state of the Union, I'd be inclined to say that only an idiot would vote against it.

Too small, too daft and too poor, huh? ;)

I suppose it depends what you do for a living really, if you are in business an independant Scotland would only be a bad thing, if you sit and home picking up your dole and thinking all day about how England have brought Scotland down then it might seem like a good idea at the time, but when you then realise your state life wont be anywhere near as comfortable and your free health care and prescriptions and education has to end you would probably change your tune as we dont have the resourses to be a country in our own right.
It'll be interesting to hear the SNP reaction when they hold the independence vote and get a resounding "awa n bile yer Heidi!" from scots.
It is the cornerstone of their whole purpose so what do they do after that?
I'm not really surprised the other parties have never allowed a vote on it as they never have any faith in the great unwashed electorate to make big decisions.

An SNP majority will be interesting as they will stand or fall on their policies whiteout having all the other parties ganging up to throw out half their policies and then crowing about how they have failed to deliver on their promises.
I suppose it depends what you do for a living really, if you are in business an independant Scotland would only be a bad thing,

Shame 200 of Scotland biggest and brightest business leaders all signed an open letter professing SNP governance and policy?

if you sit and home picking up your dole and thinking all day about how England have brought Scotland down then it might seem like a good idea at the time,

Scottish nationalism and progress has little to do with odd emotive notions towards England, nor has it really anything to do with England directly at all.

but when you then realise your state life wont be anywhere near as comfortable and your free health care and prescriptions and education has to end you would probably change your tune as we dont have the resourses to be a country in our own right.

Of course we do, you've just swallowed the nonsense that we are too poor, too daft and too small.

Absolute poppy ****.
It'll be interesting to hear the SNP reaction when they hold the independence vote and get a resounding "awa n bile yer Heidi!" from scots.
It is the cornerstone of their whole purpose so what do they do after that?

I wouldn't count your chickens on that one quite yet, but if the electorate are not convinced the issue would be sidelined for decades at best.

The SNP would continue however, Labour clearly aren't up to anything and Scot's still don't trust a Tory.

They don't trust a labour en masse either it would seem.

I'm not really surprised the other parties have never allowed a vote on it as they never have any faith in the great unwashed electorate to make big decisions.

This is where it gets silly.

Why on earth did the unionists actually vote the referendum bill down going through parliament when they knew the conditions were ripe for it to fail?

Instead they ran about saying we don't have a democratic right to decide our future etc scaremongering and lying, where as if they met it head on the likelyhood is independence would now not be registering in the political theatre.

An SNP majority will be interesting as they will stand or fall on their policies whiteout having all the other parties ganging up to throw out half their policies and then crowing about how they have failed to deliver on their promises.

Did 200 of Scotlands biggest and brightest business leaders sign an open letter professing they want an independant Scotland?

I think my answer is clear enough?

When that is a manifesto pledge for the party they just gave their support to, it is indirectly yes.

Can I ask what you do for a living?

I work for Westminster on reserved issues ;)
I think my answer is clear enough?

When that is a manifesto pledge for the party they just gave their support to, it is indirectly yes.

You make the insinuation that 200 business leaders would vote for an independant Scotland.

It doesnt mean anything of the sort. I have been happy with the SNP in the last term, I was happy to vote for them in this election but as a business owner and someone who employs 14 people, I DONT want an independant Scotland.

By voting for SNP it doesnt mean you agree that independance is the way forward, all it means is having a vote and letting the people decide once and for all what they want and then hopefully nationalist morons can stop banging on that its what everyone wants.
I think support going towards SNP doesn't in itself give carte blanche support for independence or support. I quite like the SNP, and I do think they have been good in a minority government. However, I'm concerned about them holding a majority and being overly concerned with independence.
I think Alex (great name) understands this but we all know what politics is about and he'll spin these results to suggest there is widespread support for independence and I don't think there is - nor will there be for some time.


+1 fully agree with you Ahleckz. I think SNP have been a breath of fresh air in Scotland the fact that they don't have to listen to any leaders in England (like the rest of the parties) gives them enormous power. Lib Dems and Labour in Scotland will always have to tow the British party line and will always be seen as offshoots of the UK main party. Whereas SNP can be more supportive of Scottish issues without having to take the UK into account. However come referendum I'd be voting to remain part of the UK
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