*** Sky TV Cancellation & Negotiation Thread ***

Cancelled the £60/month package my houseshare has, and moving to a £7/month NowTV entertainment package. That plus freeview is more than enough.
Jeremy Darroch, Sky’s chief executive, this week hinted that the launch of SkyQ, together with price rises for its existing services, will offer opportunities for the company to charge more.
Speaking at a conference of investors and bankers in Barcelona this week, Mr Darroch said: “I think the opportunity for pricing is good and it is certainly our intention in the UK to do that [raise prices]. We want to do that behind innovation, behind improved service, behind improved content.”

They already charge too much and more rises on the way it seems.
Or he could just mean that whatever the SkyQ box does (if that is its name, I haven't been told) could be an additional fee as Sky+ was and HD is?

You think the licences, deals and original content comes cheap? All this stuff needs to be paid for somehow. BT make nearly double the annual profit Sky does. Why does no one moan about BT's prices as vociferously as they do Sky?
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Plenty of people moan about BTs prices too. Skys prices go up 2-3 times a year sometimes. I have been there 2 years and this (if true) will be the 4th rise!

They paid over the odds for football and its customers that will ultimately pay for it despite at the time Sky saying customers wouldn't see the increase and that it would be paid for by "efficiency savings".
ive just had a card thru my letterbox with the offer

33%of sky tv for 5 yrs (til 2020) with a 12 month contract

offer ends 19th november

so will be good to see what they announce on the 18th then
I'd put money on it. The service whilst being announced this week will not be available for the public until next year.

i'd use that code now if you're thinking about it and give the new service/box time to bed in and for the content to be available for it further into the future.
I'd put money on it. The service whilst being announced this week will not be available for the public until next year.

i'd use that code now if you're thinking about it and give the new service/box time to bed in and for the content to be available for it further into the future.

its not a code its just an junk mail offer to come back..i cancelled my sky 2 months ago
Your right there, from what I have heard there will be a price rise with the announcement. I have been with sky for 15 years with the top package but when my contract runs out in 2 months I will be canceling

I really REALLY hope they try to increase the price for us so we can get out of the contract
And again, I've NOT heard of any price rises within the next few months. As bills go out 14 days in advance and Sky is paid for in advance any price rise would be communicated to customer facing staff a minimum of two months before it happens. Often we get advised of an impending rise earlier than that but the actual pricing is only released two months before. There have been NO rumours that I've heard, either officially or through the grapevine.
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