*** Sky TV Cancellation & Negotiation Thread ***

Most of them aren't. But the fact that "oh but they're 2.5gb" is the first response proves my point. People are cancelling sky and just downloading them illegally instead which is morally wrong.

I have Sky.
Most of them aren't. But the fact that "oh but they're 2.5gb" is the first response proves my point. People are cancelling sky and just downloading them illegally instead which is morally wrong.

One could argue that their prices for so many garbage channels is morally questionable too?
We have just cancelled sky, now getting fibre of BT. Got a good deal through TopCashBack

Will miss the F1

All i want to is a very cheap HD package....
Which are usually compressed to fit into a reasonable size. Look at the list of illegally available copies now and they are usually 500mb an episode.

Of course blu ray looks the best, but who wants to wait for the box set to come out ? And at the end of the day, if your buying them on blu ray, Sky are doing things right by showing them. What more do you want out of your TV subscription other than stuff you want to watch ?

STill looking int he wrong places ;)

1.5Gb+ TV Episodes are quite common

Just noticed today that rather than my refunds fo the 10 days at the end of the contract sky have actually billed me for a full months service LOL.
Phoned em and theyve advised I cancel the DD and call back after the 25th to have my refunds, the offshore dude I spoke to seemed to suggest I would have to wait another full month for my refund.

So thats 10 days + a full month billed after my service was cancelled!

Cheeky *****

Must say not really missing TV much at all, considering setting up Netflix and access to the US servers to keep the missus happy tho.

Down to 1 BB line now tho, that I do not like, missus streamin or downloading when I try to do stuff, grr lol. Might see if theres any special offers thru work or too good to resist cashback offers.

oooh according to: http://www.superfast-openreach.co.uk/where-and-when/

My date has gone from Not planned to future exchange! better than nowt hehe
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I got US netflix watched 1 episode a night and my son is slowly going through the He-Man original series from the 80s (he loves it and I prefer it to having to listen to spongebob or adventure time....grr)

However between 8th Feb and 5 Mar we chewed through our 100GB allowance :( I had to order an extra 10gb to get us until our reset day of 13th. Unlimited is offered but with a FUP of 300GB but it's 20 euro per month more expensive; that + VPN and netflix is more expensive than the sky package.

however I want to get rid of sky as I want as a family to make a conscious decision to "watch" something rather than having the TV on for background noise....

I'd never pirate stuff as I can afford not to not really a moral decision but I simply don't have the time to set up the whole system I've watched others do it and it's a waste of time easier just to buy from itunes or order the box set.
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I'm on 75% off deal until June; Sky world, all HD/3d etc and 2 x multi-room for £43.
No way i'll pay approx. £90 when the contract is up. Doubt they'll offer me a deal tbh, so we'll cancel.
They are eejits to think those on an offer will be willing to pay double for the same, half crap service. We have every channel and i struggle to find something to watch mosts night.
BUT....there is usally something i like on a channel that is on a different package, so to have the maybe a dozen channels i like, i'd still have to subscribe to everything.
Bad form Sky!

Just to let you know that unless YOU contact them more than 30 days before the offer ends you will pay 1 month at full price.
Your BB with sky?
I hammerred my connection and never heard a peep from them, was even commented on when I was cancelling.

And forgot to mention, has some TV license dude at the door last night.

Him: Hi mate, do you live here?
Me: Yes why?
Him: Just wondering if you sorted your TV license out
Me: a little suprised (no ID/uniform at his point), dont need one cancelled sky
Him: Then I'll come in and check
Me: No you won't Im busy
Him: Doign what?
Me: Making dinner
Him: So? let me in

*Door closed in his face*

The sense of entitlement I got from him was laughable, who the **** do these people think they are. Like I'm just gonna let any old stranger into my home because they ask.
Came back in bloody furious and filled in the declaration on the website hoping it would give me some sort of comments field, but it didnt :( lol

Just to let you know that unless YOU contact them more than 30 days before the offer ends you will pay 1 month at full price.

Yup I think you need to give them 31 days notice, caught me out with that one this time :(
How do you get US catalogue access and is it upto date.

I used a paid vpn service not sure if i can recommend them here but they allow me to use iplayer rte player and us and uk netflix with the one dns number great for me living in belgium

The price is 4.99 CAD per month. (£3.20)

Perfect access and no slowdown also have subscribed to US netflix via my us itunes account via apple tv so the pc is not affected with any possible slowdown the dns is only through my apple tv account and my ipad for watching the players which i can then stream to apple tv if i want to watch something from the beeb or RTE (irish channel)

For general viewing I have a freesat HD recorder from Humax. Actually can't really understand why I still have sky ... time to cancel....
Lol, how far up their hole did you tell them to stick that offer!? :D

I said please cancel, then she tried so hard to convince me that it is was a great saving, wouldnt take no for an answer.

I can afford the £90 a month, it's just the principle that they happily dish out 50% willy nilly (I had it for two years), and now there are 50% offers around for new customers etc...
Just wait till it's off and you will receive a letter in about a month with a decent offer. They are throwing 75% off of multi room and HD offers about atm also.
Just wait till it's off and you will receive a letter in about a month with a decent offer. They are throwing 75% off of multi room and HD offers about atm also.

Yeah, i'm on the 75% off for everything which ends in June so i'll be looking for a bargain or cancelling. I certainly can't afford over £70 on TV, even if i could i wouldn't....just for TV?

I can afford the £90 a month, it's just the principle that they happily dish out 50% willy nilly (I had it for two years), and now there are 50% offers around for new customers etc...
Yeah this is what grinds my gears too.
against my better judgement we got sky just before Christmas

2TB HD Box Lounge
500GB HD BOX Bedroom
All TV Entertainment Packs (Entertainment Extra)
HD Pack

£20.50 a month for 12 Months

They charged me £60 for the 2TB Box but then gave me £60 credit to my account. To be honest if it was anything other than that deal I wouldn't have signed up. I see lots of people paying £50+ for sky which I frankly refuse to do. Most of the channels are utter garbage.

Once the 12 months is up I'll cancel and sell the boxes on ebay
Just thinking, if you cancel, then Sky literally (i guess) just flick a switch and turn off the feed to your box(es). Seeing as the system is already setup, does it cost them to send the signal to your home?

Point i'm getting at, could it be used in some kind of semi-intelligent argument,;
"If you expect me to pay more, i'll cancel, you'll flick a switch and stop the feed and then you'll make no money from me, whereas simply leaving the feed open if you keep my deal the same doesn't cost you anything, and you actually keep a paying customer"
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