When you put it like that I can see how annoying it would be, but I wouldn't be demanding he moves for £10-15,000,000 less than what he's worth just because he trained with us. Maybe I'd feel slightly sorry for Barcelona if they conducted themselves a bit differently. Maybe keeping their players mouths shut would be a good start, and then trying to conduct business in a professional manner instead of giving it to the Spanish rags and letting them run wild.
You keep saying this, then I see Sagna saying it would be great for Gervinho to come to Arsenal, and other Arsenal players saying the same things about other players but you have no complaints about that.
The difference is, Gervinho didn't train at Arsenal, his family isn't in London and half the players at the club didn't grow up with him.
Barca players, and Arsenal players can say WHATEVER they want, its not a disgrace to say what they've said, if they said Arsenal suck and Fabregas should crap on our stadium then leave, thats one thing, saying they'd love him back at Barca is simply in no way possible seeable as "disgraceful".
I'd be pee'd if Wilshire got nicked, and Barca are pee'd Fabregas got nicked, thats really not here nor there. They haven't got completely sick funds this year, and Arsenal knew we could get 45-50mil for him last year if we just put a price on him, but we held out, and we held out too long, Barca called our bluff and we can't get the same price for him anymore.
I said last year, we'll never get more, he might have a bad season or get injured, they'll pay a high fee we just have to put a price on him.
Thats why Modric should be sold, Spurs have no idea how much money other clubs will have next season, Modric could break his leg next season, or just be crap. 35mil would be a brilliant fee for him and they should take it while its on offer.