On saturday had a double mcmuffin thing from maccy d's, a korma, and spag bol, it was awesome eating something with some real flavor, although my bowels didn't enjoy it so much! haha
How the hell did you find that?WTF.
Guy had an awesome body before. Wasted genetics.
On the BB.com forums.
Isn't it weird how anabolic steroids are illegal/frowned upon, yet people are freely given that crap to turn them into the opposite sex.
Lol do you really need that many exercises? Whats the sets over reps?
5x5 on the compounds w/ 120secs rest and usually 3x8 on the others w/ 90secs rest. Gym time of about 50mins I think.
Is a lot but I don't like leaving until I'm exhausted!
Guy had an awesome body before. Wasted genetics.
Am I the only one thinking WHY??????????????On the BB.com forums.
Isn't it weird how anabolic steroids are illegal/frowned upon, yet people are freely given that crap to turn them into the opposite sex.
Seated Side Laterals. 3 Sets light weight, pulling up from the elbows, hands internally rotated at the top. aim for high reps 15-20
Seated Horizontal front raise. Basically a front raise but seated and with your upper body as parrallell to the floor as possible. kicks in the rear delt. If this doesn't work for you just do some other alternative rear raise.
Reckon he retained some of his strength ?
2nd in the 100kg weight class @91.9kg at the BUCS powerlifting competition hosted by Oxford Uni. Wasn't a very strong class but I'm still pleased for my first comp!
Wouldn't have caught the guy who came first even if I didn't have a strained rotator cuff, a messed up hand and hadn't been ill all week. Absolutely shattered.
Just returning to this BennyC - is this the sort of positioning I should be using when doing the above:
deadlift session today,
I have to say I'm coping pretty well, I think the ridiculous amount of squatting has definitely contributed. My deadline is in 5 weeks. Weeks 3 and 4 are going to be seriously interesting.Id enjoy deadlifting 3 times a week, fast becoming my favourite exercise , probably a lot to do with it being my strongest exercise