*** The 2010 Gym Rats Thread ***

Got some 600g bags of frozen, skinless, boneless chicken for 74p each the other day. Not on offer or anything, just 74p. Thought I'd let you guys know because it's a steal. Don't know if they have them in every store though, but worth a look if you're in one.
Missed out on 250kg deads today :( Bar came about 1ft off the ground then just nothing. IT WILL COME! :mad: :mad:

I proceeded to take my anger out on several reps of 290kg rack pulls instead - love that bar flex :D
Well played matey! :cool:

Any pics of the event?!

That's a fantatic result! :D What were your totals?

Only a couple of pics, but videos of all of the lifts :)

Total was 522.5kg, so a little bit :o/lucky to be placing second with. 200kg squat which was nice as that's my old PB plus 30kg in 3 months. 117.5kg bench which was limited by my shoulder (did 120x2x2 recently), also the pause is a killer! Deadlift was frankly awful at 205kg; a combination of american football and someone shutting a door on it has left my right hand strangely limited. After completely failing my singles at the end of my program I reloaded the bar to 200kg (the last of my warmup sets to not be a problem) and raged out 8 reps twice, and yet as you will see on the day 212.5kg messes me up.

Still pretty pleased, despite choosing to always lead with my placing and then telling people my total ;) Feel like a total novice as well, but the only way is up! Next comp will be sometime in the first half of next year and I'm doing an HST cycle before I hit my powerlifting program again, and hopefully this time I'll lift in the 90's class instead of being flu'd up to my eyeballs and maybe I'll get my 240 deadlift...
That's some pretty good numbers mate. Nothing to be sniffed at! I love love love squats, but I struggle at 200kg :( 160-180 I can rep nicely, so I think it's a psychological thing :(

Keep up the training you'll break it easy!
Thanks! I'm going to do at least a few more comps for fun more than anything else, the atmosphere is so good I'd recommend more guys try it.

Yeah I'd say that was psychological, 200kg is a big barrier. It certainly helps to know you have good spotters on hand which I hilariously didn't at my uni gym with 195 a week ago (had one guy pushing his side of the bar up for a few attempts, then he held onto the bar when I stated to squat...lol). I'm also a big fan of squats, really looking forward to doing higher reps soon though. Something which added some perspective was helping out with the spotting which put me far to close to 370kg on a guys back in the 125+kg class...! More scared for that than my own lifts, and it wasn't even a PB. Great guy too, invited me to his gym.
I need a big bad ass training partner to push me :( I train myself, so I have to complete a rep or I'm ****ed! :D I've got good equipment, but having some **** screaming at you and motivating you really helps.

Hold onto a good training partner - they're so important.
:D nothing like the fear to get your arse out of the bottom of a squat! But yeah absolutely, I did so much more in terms of adding weight to lifts in a given time in my new powerlifting gym in the summer than at any point in my 2 ish years of proper lifting at my uni gym. There is a guy in my new gym who deadlifts 340kg, and there is a picture of him somewhere doing a lateral raise with two 25kg plates pinched in each hand :eek: he makes me feel tiny and scared.

I'm sure you'll smash past 200kg soon enough, in my lurking did I read that you are also doing HST at the moment? If so that will help significantly. Race to 210kg? :p
I watched a youtube video the other day of a guy doing a shoulder workout with dumbells only.

It consisted of :

Dumbell upright rows
Laterall raises
Dumbell Military Presses to finish

It was absolutely awesome, got a fantastic pump and knew about it the next day. It was really nice to change up and Im looking to do it more often.


I need more weighted ab exercises, I wanna hurt... anyone got a killer routine?
I watched a youtube video the other day of a guy doing a shoulder workout with dumbells only.

It consisted of :

Dumbell upright rows
Laterall raises
Dumbell Military Presses to finish

It was absolutely awesome, got a fantastic pump and knew about it the next day. It was really nice to change up and Im looking to do it more often.


I need more weighted ab exercises, I wanna hurt... anyone got a killer routine?

I like weighted crunchies, they kill.
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