*** The 2010 Gym Rats Thread ***

I like weighted crunchies, they kill.

Indeed....Just stick a plate on your chest and be done with it!!!!

That or do SLDL's I guess? Not loads of ab work but some atleast if you keep your core tight...infact, nearly every exercise should involve the Ab's somewhat really
Can I ask...why does it look like a robot when doing the DL? :p

As in...why does he snatch his arm down onto the bar? Silly question probably

I'd imagine its just the way he sets up, everyone has different ways of doing it and his way of setting up obviously works for him with those sort of awesome lifts
Arghh I have a knot/twinge in my back that I can't reach. I'm at work and could really do with one of my golf balls to put between it and a wall to help work it out but I'm in the office and can't think of anything I could use without looking a bit wierd carrying it into the bogs! Any suggestions?!

So far the best I can think of is being quite cunning with a high lighter.
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Arghh I have a knot/twinge in my back that I can't reach. I'm at work and could really do with one of my golf balls to put between it and a wall to help work it out but I'm in the office and can't think of anything I could use without looking a bit wierd carrying it into the bogs! Any suggestions?!

So far the best I can think of is being quite cunning with a high lighter.

Does no one have an elastic band ball in the office? :p
I'd imagine its just the way he sets up, everyone has different ways of doing it and his way of setting up obviously works for him with those sort of awesome lifts

Guess so...Wasn't having a dig, but it just looks dead weird..almost like its a micky take :p
None of these either. A highlighter didn't work too well in that it I can't reach far enough up my back!

Ahh well I'll just destroy it tonight with golf balls and my foam roller.

Hmm....Must be something? Network cable rolled up and notted? :p
Can I ask...why does it look like a robot when doing the DL? :p

As in...why does he snatch his arm down onto the bar? Silly question probably

Everyones setup is different, it's all about having your individual pattern of movement that has you 100% focussed and fired up to get the lift. Some are fast, some slow, some aggressive, some calm. Quite a few probably do look funny (possibly including mine) but honestly that is the last thing on your mind when you're up there.
So far the best I can think of is being quite cunning with a high lighter.

Would a mug do the trick? You'd need to be quite careful with positioning I suppose but provided it's a reasonably solid mug it might be possible.

At the moment I've been off the gym for the past week and a bit with what feels like either cramp in my leg or alternatively a strain and it really does seem to alternate, it's annoying as it seems to be going away and then comes back for a couple of days and hasn't quite left yet but at least now I can usually stand up without wincing. Still it does at least give me a chance (boring and uncomfortable though it may be) to do some revision so I'll hopefully be back to the gym either Thursday or the start of next week.
What's good to do on your week off? My joints have taken a bit of a beating over the last 10 weeks so I'm having a week off. Just work the cross trainer or rowing machine I guess?
Anyone else have issues feeling their lats working during BB rows, T bar rows or practically any kind of rowing movement? It absolutely kills my lower back(in a good way) but I struggle immensely when it comes to feeling the lats work, they seem to do nothing at all.
Skull, maybe try grip training and stretching? I've just had a week off and that's what I've been doing to keep myself occupied.

I have the same trouble Shifty. I find if I put a mirror in front of me, at quite an angle mind, then do wide grip pull ups while leaning back a fair bit I get most lat activation. Without a mirror it's like a completely different exercise, actually seeing your lats contracting makes it sooo much easier. With rows, no matter what type, I find it hard to isolate my lats and my biceps end up dominating. Have you tried exhausting your biceps first so your lats are forced into action?
Anyone else have issues feeling their lats working during BB rows, T bar rows or practically any kind of rowing movement? It absolutely kills my lower back(in a good way) but I struggle immensely when it comes to feeling the lats work, they seem to do nothing at all.

You shouldn't really feel it too much in your lower back; are you sure you back is straight? There should be no movement from your spin or hips, although a little leg drive is bound to come in.

Try lowering the weight and slowing the negative down. The temptation with BORs is to go heavier than you should and jerk the weight up. A good test is to see if you can pause for a second holding the weight at the top of the rep. If you can't, you're going too heavy.
Anyone else have issues feeling their lats working during BB rows, T bar rows or practically any kind of rowing movement? It absolutely kills my lower back(in a good way) but I struggle immensely when it comes to feeling the lats work, they seem to do nothing at all.

If you want to smash your lats with BB rows. This is how I'll do them to target different areas of my back.

Lats: Shoulder width grip (same grip you'd take for a deadlift) I lean at about a 45/50degree angle and pull back from the elbows. It a pulling in motion up as high as you can trying to touch your stomach/waistband with it. Get a decent range of motion at the bottom of the rep (arms extended). (If you think about it this is pritty much the same as a single DB row when you kneel on a bench)

Rhombs/Traps/Subscap etc: I use a grip slightly narrower than that for bench. So I have my little fingers on the smooth rings. Row away pulling in to your lower chest. Same angle as before.
Do your rows with your chest against an incline bench. This will take any strain off lower back and help you find a method that hits the area you want
Cheers guys.

I think the problem might lie with my grip. I generally have my arms wide grip, further than shoulder width apart. I presumed this was the correct method, wide grip over arm for lats?
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