*** The 2010 Gym Rats Thread ***

Still pretty pleased, despite choosing to always lead with my placing and then telling people my total ;) Feel like a total novice as well, but the only way is up! Next comp will be sometime in the first half of next year and I'm doing an HST cycle before I hit my powerlifting program again, and hopefully this time I'll lift in the 90's class instead of being flu'd up to my eyeballs and maybe I'll get my 240 deadlift...

And hopefully by then I'll have a 200kg deadlift and maybe I'll be able to get close to your wilks :)
No chance ;)

My bench should be up to over 130kg by then, and I'm planning on having a 210 squat before the next powerlifting program. So I still have my pride, for now!
It's Wednesday and I've already worked some 28 hours...I'm nackered! Still though, it doesn't stop me being excited about going for some new PBs tomorrow! :D

I'm hoping for 80kg+ C+J and anything above 40kg in Snatch (Current PBs are 70 and 30kg)

Form and balance are the only things that can stop me! Must focus...

...Right back to work, being a PT is tougher than I thought :D

My line manager is a complete retard. Got my shake out on my desk filling it up with water when a colleague comments 'that looks minging'. Which I don't mind as I get on with her, she's said it before and is never said in a nasty way.

My manager then asks me 'But what actually is it?' whilst frowning and shaking her head with a look of disgust. So I explain what whey protein is and also oats incase she is more retarded than I first thought.

'But it's not natural is it?!' again seeming even more disgusted. Well yes actually it is.

'How often do you go to the gym?', so I tell her, 'but why?!' with an even more disapproving look. So I explain the calorie surplus that's needed to build muscle etc.

'Because it's my choice?! just like you choose to be vegetarian, which imo isn't natural (not getting into a debate with anyone here about it).

******* idiot. She can stick to her poor diet which has likely caused a spot this size of a moon to form on her face which she is currently trying to conseal with approximatley a metric tonne of concealer/foundation.

I'd never comment on or make anyone feel conscious/embarrassed about what they're eating or make them defend their food choices. I'll never give her my opinion on vegetarianism however have asked her why she is which I can accept without ******* her off.
Ahh, the awesome power of blinkers, only see what they want to see and everything else is just wrong :p

Just get on with it really, people frowned at me for drinking my stuff, but meh...Just say, oh well its my body =/..would you rather I was injecting steroids into my arms instead of drinking the shake at my desk? :p
Haha I know exactly what you mean mate

Whenever someone notices me putting water into my shake at the kitchen, they always say "Can you just come off of that whenever you want?" as if it's some sort of drug.

The other one I always get is "Should you not be a bit more discreet about taking that sort of stuff?", again as if it's steroids in powdered form

I remember once, someone told me it's unhealthy to take steroids and that they didn't know you could drink them, started tutting and shaking her head. Anyway they went to the toilets behind the kitchen. I noticed they left their mug so I knew they'd be coming back. Anyway I lay on the floor, playing dead, with my shaker empty next to me. The look on her face when she came back was priceless.

Unfortunately for me, she wasn't the first person to come to the kitchen while I'd been lying down, explaining that was a bit awkward
You get them everywhere. I don't explain myself to anyone ever.

Yup I couldn't care what anyone else thinks. Especially if they wish to cast opinions before getting clued up.

I'm just not happy about being 'questioned' and looked down upon about my eating habbits in such a derrogatory manner infront of my other colleagues.

I might mention this at my PDR if it's still annoying me then.

Her face is offending me right now.

Haha Steedie. I'm tempted to just puke it all back up over her.
Thinking about eating a cooked chicken on my desk at somepoint in the future. Rip it's wings and legs off and make as much noise and mess as possible.

I wouldn't of had a problem with being questioned about if if it wasn't in such a ****y manner and was actually interested as opposed to just screwing her face up and dismissing a hobby that I'm dedicated to.
Yea people being interested in what I eat is rather nice as I get to talk about things I'm interested in...instead of xfactor :/

But people who judge me because of what I eat...well I'll just let them go on with their closed mindedness and wish them the best of luck...they'll need it.
Yeah some people just have no interest in hearing what it is, they've already made their mind up that it's wrong so just look down on you

The other thing I get is when I tell people about entering next years contest, they automatically assume

A) "You can't be? You're no where near as big as Arnold Schwarzenegger?"
B) "Oh do you have to take steroids for that?"
C) "Has your penis fallen off?"

Honestly, C is one of the most asked by females asking if your testicles or penis falls off if you do bodybuilding competitively
I just fob it off, don't need to justify myself to 'em ^^

edit: YES my ban was removed!! Did think getting a 10 day ban for one line too long in my signature was a bit harsh :/
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