my hopsital appointment was today, the pain in my shoulder has completely gone, so i never mentioned it and i stopped taking cissus many days ago.
orthopaedic's specialist was amazing. she obviously knew what she was doing. she said that all my joints seemed extremely flexible. checked my fingers, knees, etc.
but my dodgy knee flexed a lot more than my normal knee, but apparently my flexibility is a lot higher than the average persons. she also thought my dodgy knee was unstable and that its not my acl thats done in but the other ligament, which she told me with physio i should be able to perform at a high level (many rugby players have the same injury as me apparently and still played at the highest of levels). after 3 x-rays at different angles, no major problem was found with any of my bones but an MRI scan is needed in order to figure out if it is ligament damage. so im on the list for an mri scan. ive also been booked in to do physio in order to strengthen my knee and after 2-4 months after the mri, i will be called back in to see how if things have improved with physio.
so its a mixture of good news and bad news, but overall it's mostly good. i still dont want to push my shoulder, this friday will be 2 weeks without training, so im waiting until sunday before i ease myself back into it.
note to self for future will be to take it easy when incrementing weights, i reckon the 15kg jump on overhead press caused it, so ill only go up by 5kg at a time or something on that.
shoulder - healing nicely
knee - is okay only minor damage suspected and with physio work should be fine
hoping nothing else happens now lol.