*** The 2013 Gym Rats Thread ***


I would be mindful of using belts unless you really know what you're doing, and that you don't grow to rely on it. You'll notice a lot of the bigger lifters on here ditching the belts on the odd occasion to work on their 'raw' lifting and make sure their underpinning technique is good.

Noted :) thanks for the advice :)

Never used one myself and when I did try I didn't know how to brace my core properly anyway! Not had the desire/need to try since.

No problem using one provided it's not just an accessory and is only used when required.
Use a tiny bit of liquid chalk and they won't even notice, failing that work on your grip, then as a last resort use straps.
My gym doesn't allow chalk or liquid chalk. Should I just use straps when deadlifting and do extra grip work?

as tom_e said, use a little liquid chalk they probably wont notice. If you really cant use chalk then get used to Hook grip, its touted about as being superior anyway.
Time to change gym!!


lol I seriously think they would just cancel my membership if they caught me again. There's a more hardcore gym a bit further away, I think I might try and go there on deadlift days.

Their loss. What sort of gym doesn't like their members using chalk? Hope you questioned him why. Never heard of this before.

Do they frown on banging weights when DL'ing too :rolleyes:
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