After some help, please (not sure if I belong here, but the thread seems full of decent knowledge).
Injured my shoulder 5 years ago (Crossfit WOD against the clock featuring fairly heavy cleans - so dumb in hindsight - I should have said, "No") and" fell out" of fitness (read, "got demoralised and lazy").
Started trying to get back in some kind of shape a week ago but the shoulder is still an issue.
Lateral cable raises and overhead presses sometimes hurt, sometimes are fine, and sometimes the shoulder is strong but often it just won't work/is weak/collapses.
5 years ago I got a pretty vague diagnosis of a torn rotator cuff, and a referral to a NHS physio who gave me some band work but it made no difference, we moved house, and I let it slide.
Has anyone got any tips on how I get this properly diagnosed and treated...I've got private healthcare cover through work if that opens up more options.
Thanks a lot for any help.