********** The all new "Official" iPhone 4S thread - Keep all the iPhone 4S stuff in here **********

So, the '5' was just a leaked early prototype design, and there wasn't any more to it than that. Pity, because I'd have loved a bigger screen and no glass back, but they're not deal breakers.

Besides, with hindsight, the thought of releasing both a 4S and a 5 was somewhat silly. When have Apple ever released two new models before? Never* - that's when!

Having an iPhone at all is what matters to me, and I don't right now, so I will accept a compromise on the outside for the innards. It'll be 4S Friday for me (assuming I get the replacement credit card in time - I lost the old one on Monday - ironically, in an Apple store).

And I don't care about the Android/iPhone wars either - I've tried both, and the iPhone is more appropriate for my needs. End of. :)

* Before anyone tries to slap me down, white/black and 16GB/32GB/64GB don't count, and neither do the 8GB revisions of 3GS and 4 as they were just a minor parts swap.
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*if* you have then your phone is faulty. It doesnt take 5 seconds to work that out. I have no vibration issues, no camera issues, the battery lasts 2 days and i have no connection issues.

Your's must be faulty.

I am not the first or the only person to suffer with battery or connection issues - in this case, the fact that it is faulty does not make it any better, or less of a problem.

If you've tried custom roms then you'd know it's available whether samsung use it or not.

The issue is not whether samsung use it, but the way it has been bundled with the Rom - it has been made impossible to upgrade it because the old version cannot be removed. Unfortunately, the best option I've found so far is VillainRom which is based on the stock rom and retains the Swype bundle.
You don't really understand how Apple work

I think we understand just perfectly, Apple are milking their customers for every penny they can.

If they can get away with just following their competitors and save money by not releasing bleeding edge hardware they will and I don't blame them, I blame the millions of Apple customers who helped them get into such a dominate position and still support them.
<troll> I'm not upgrading my iPhone 4, not worth it. </troll>

<fanboy> But I can see those with a 3G or 3GS might want to, especially if their contracts are ending. </fanboy>

Wait, have I done this right? :p
You're influenced by the people you talk to. As a technically-minded person, you probably have plenty of technically-minded friends.

Non-geeks don't even know what a GPU or a processor architecture is, let alone why they'd need one sort rather than another.

Not in the mobile phone market.
If you think the iPhone 4S sucks, good for you, now waddle off back the Mobiles forum and find something better to do.

I don't think it sucks.

I just think its a dull release considering phones have been out months before that do things better
Current smartphone specs

It has marginally better specs than your Galaxy S II, therefore it is better.

I don't think it sucks.

I just think its a dull release considering phones have been out months before that do things better

Apple don't have access to any better technology, they could have/should have done a redesign, but they chose not to. If that makes it a dull for you then so be it. End of story.
I don't think it sucks.

I just think its a dull release considering phones have been out months before that do things better

Well that's just incorrect. GSII is slower, clunkier and has a shorter battery life than the iPhone 4, let alone the 4S. Until Android catches up with iOS, the hardware is not going to eliminate the OS gap.
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Current smartphone specs

+1. You can't sweeten the pill boys, it's a high end phone with specs no better than 6 months old models...
I'm sure me and easyrider agree it will sell, like we agree it's dull. You don't buy an Apple product for hardware, we also know that. But I also bet we agree that people will be disappointed because of the hardware specs, not all people but some. Likewise some will be disappointed because it looks the same....
Apple however is fighting a losing battle against Android currently, and this isn't going to be the massive boost that previous generations provided in my opinion...
Similar position here, but silver not gold. Only problem being o2's contracts are so much worse/more expensive then the competition its hard to justify staying.

Well I'm moving to either O2 or Vodafone tbh as I need their 900Mhz coverage - with Orange at present and I'm utterly sick of losing all 3G whenever I go inside a building whilst friends on O2 or Voda are fine.

Realise they're both slightly more expensive than the others but O2 seem to be better than Voda for the iPhone. Have been with both of them before without any problems.
Damn you Apple for changing the whole smartphone market overnight with the original iPhone. Damn you for kicking competitors up the arse and making me a phone i actually like...
Don't have an android phone or iphone, and probably not likely to. I just need a phone that makes calls :D

Can just imagine all the chavvy iphone 4s users asking their phones stupid questions. OMG... I live near Essex, the commutes into London are going to be a nightmare...

(To iphone) "Does my bum look big in this?"
I don't think it sucks.

I just think its a dull release considering phones have been out months before that do things better

Like what exactly? Its not just about hardware specs =/ You can't compare IOS and Android like that because from experience IOS runs much better on lesser specs then Android does, probably because as an OS its designed and optimised for a few devices, rather then having to run on a billion different configs.
I am not the first or the only person to suffer with battery or connection issues

I never said you were. but the vast majority of those of us who did (yes me included, both issues) sorted it with new firmware. if your phone is still suffering then I'll say it again; you have a faulty phone.
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