I mean Nvidia are releasing the 5070/5070Ti sometime in February right? So no more than 2 months after that, potentially only a few days (if they know the release dates of the 5070s).
But given the 5080 and 5090 aren't expected until the end of January, even if AMD released at the end of March that's only 2 months, worst case scenario.
So with this announced "date", basically the message this sends to me is that:
if you're in team green and were always going to be team green, AMD don't care about you, you weren't the target audience.
if you're on the fence and don't know which way to go but need a card ASAP, AMD don't want your business.
if you're on the fence but won't be buying straight away, AMD got you.
if you were always going to buy AMD no matter what, shut up, AMD will get to you when they're good and ready and you'll still love them regardless.