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After all that, only 1080P is selectable on youtube. Quality has decreased a fair bit as well. :( :confused:

Can anyone talk me how to encode the H264 file. Youtube accepts it, it seems but for some reason its down graded it to 1080P and i want it to stay at 1440P quality.

Dunno if its still the case but back along your account on youtube needed to have a certain status (i.e. had to have a certain number of views/uploads) before you had options above 1080p.

EDIT: Going by google looks like YT is still experimenting with what settings and encoding is used for 1440p and its random if the option is even available or not at the moment.
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Time to scratch that itch, Premium content now downloading :(

Awesome sauce, pay £26 for premium now I get bf4.exe is not responding when I try start a round.
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Got it it going, did a repair install and boom the 10gb worth of dlc I had just downloaded was corrupt. Re downloaded and now running, new metro is sexy but hc dom servers are already ruined with snipers, one team sits in one building, one team in the other and just trade shots. Need more servers with sniper caps, I'm not against them but it ruins the whole point of it being called 'battlefield' if 90% of the players are snipe campers.

I'll get some more solid bench results from Metro later, but my 780's hammered it, solid 98% usage, besides it constantly hitting the 200fps limit!
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Got it it going, did a repair install and boom the 10gb worth of dlc I had just downloaded was corrupt. Re downloaded and now running, new metro is sexy but hc dom servers are already ruined with snipers, one team sits in one building, one team in the other and just trade shots. Need more servers with sniper caps, I'm not against them but it ruins the whole point of it being called 'battlefield' if 90% of the players are snipe campers.

Don't play Hardcore - it's for people who can't aim and like camping :p.

At least on normal you've got a chance of getting out of a sniper hit and healing up. Yes it's unrealistic but it's also a lot more fun and skilled.
Got it it going, did a repair install and boom the 10gb worth of dlc I had just downloaded was corrupt. Re downloaded and now running, new metro is sexy but hc dom servers are already ruined with snipers, one team sits in one building, one team in the other and just trade shots. Need more servers with sniper caps, I'm not against them but it ruins the whole point of it being called 'battlefield' if 90% of the players are snipe campers.

I'll get some more solid bench results from Metro later, but my 780's hammered it, solid 98% usage, besides it constantly hitting the 200fps limit!

Yeah Metro runs really well, was seeing way over 100fps on it.
Don't play Hardcore - it's for people who can't aim and like camping :p.

At least on normal you've got a chance of getting out of a sniper hit and healing up. Yes it's unrealistic but it's also a lot more fun and skilled.

Its a shame as its the opposite on COD HC in my experience, players tended to push objectives more as they know shots would count rather then sit back and let the K/D build up.

Honestly don't understand this anti-COD culture especially amongst BF players, BF is far more geared towards assisting campers & tubes.
COD HC was a very different beast as you could actually run and gun and pull it off due to being able to ride the more precise "netcode" and take people down before they could even react. (Can't really explain it very well but HC COD run and gunners will know what I mean).

BF4 a large degree of skill is removed due to being able to fall on the wrong side of a server tick + client update rate and end up totally unable to win an engagement as your the best part of 200ms or sometimes more behind the other player's action.
Its a shame as its the opposite on COD HC in my experience, players tended to push objectives more as they know shots would count rather then sit back and let the K/D build up.

Honestly don't understand this anti-COD culture especially amongst BF players, BF is far more geared towards assisting campers & tubes.

BF is a much more enjoyable game in normal mode I've found but I'm all about aim. I can barely fly a jet and helicopter to save my life :D.
COD HC was a very different beast as you could actually run and gun and pull it off due to being able to ride the more precise "netcode" and take people down before they could even react. (Can't really explain it very well but HC COD run and gunners will know what I mean).

BF4 a large degree of skill is removed due to being able to fall on the wrong side of a server tick + client update rate and end up totally unable to win an engagement as your the best part of 200ms or sometimes more behind the other player's action.

I know what you mean, in COD HC, the quickest most accurate man wins simples, usually regardless of weapon type too, A shame the series has been circling the plug hole for a few years now.

Got metro benched, just a heads up, as it stands Afterburner + Fraps + BF4 doesn't mix, BF4 is refusing to launch with that combo running for me at least.

Metro Conquest full 32 man server, about half and half indoors/outdoors:

Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg
136913, 759219, 114, 201, 180.334

780 SLI @ 1110/6200, 4770K @ 4.6ghz
Ahhh so its possibly an MSIAB 64-bit OSD conflicting issue? I only really have AB running for my fan profile, can always just disable OSD if thats the problem :)
Yep I think so, I had major problems getting fraps running so tried 32bit BF4 and it runs fine. I'm not sure if there's a performance hit or not, though. I doubt it as my FPS is generally over 100.
Don't play Hardcore - it's for people who can't aim and like camping :p.

At least on normal you've got a chance of getting out of a sniper hit and healing up. Yes it's unrealistic but it's also a lot more fun and skilled.

I would say the opposite you still wont get one shot by anything but a sniper headshot or shotgun on HC. There is no fake indicators or minimap to give you away either to snipers. The problem is sniper limit servers and finding them and not running about like a headless chicken in the open.

The best mode of them all would probably be Sniper Limit HC defuse 64P with Medics being the only way to revive someone until the round ends. Now that would be skill if someone had an APC Medivac. It would basically be S&D but with Frostbite 3.0 and 2 shot body kills. I think it would be awesome if people took cover behind a Medivac APC as bullets were so lethal. Ive looked at the cost and its around £50pm to set something like this up for 64p in the UK.
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