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It's not possible to have vsync on and have zero input lag :p

That's what i thought...until i tried it. :D :eek: :eek: ;) :eek: :D :cool: :confused:

I tried this at 144, 120 and 60 with vsync on and all testing with vsync on led to input lag. Awful too. Maybe it's my DELL though

Rusty - do you game on FPS with your BenQ or your DELL? I was half debating getting a 27" 120Hz for BF4 and just dealing with the colours. I cannot get the same 'feel' with BF4 as I have had with BF3. It seems sluggish. Is this the DELL 27" or the game?
^^Yeah, my head acquisition on BF3 is so much better. I recorded my gameplay on Lockers yesterday night just to see if it was my dodgy aim.

My biggest problem is that I cannot figure out this problem
1. When you shoot someone in BF4 their figure moves.
2. This means the enemy's body moves forward or to the side - try it with someone on an empty server
3. But on their screen, their reticule remains static and does not move to match their body movement on your screen
4. So, the question is whether their hitboxes move also????
See this YT video at 4:14

I hope I have made that clear. It is annoying and is the reason I often lose to people. I think I try to match their body movement and their hitboxes are not moving. I watched my footage back frame by frame. It comes from playing fast-twitch games like UT or BF3
Someone else documented the same thing Badboy and it is pretty bad. The chars on each screen were doing different things. The netcode is also proper messed up (which I believe they are trying to address in the CTE thingy).
Yeah I agree Gregster. It's so bad sometimes. I watched my Lockers footage back and was amazed at what I saw. I lost against people who didn't even fire first on my screen. The body movement of your opponent is also random and I am absolutely convinced that their hitboxes are messed up during it.

That video shows the body moving. But it also shows that your opponent can still fire as if not moving. How does that work? It would appear their hitboxes do move because Hads cannot hit me when my head pops below the cover.

Also, Gregster, you make a good point - is the model on my screen actually doing what it is doing for them/the server? If not, my aim is no longer on their hitbox... wtf?????

BF4 is arguably the best looking worst FPS ever made.
Yer mate. It is a fantastic game but so many silly issues, it just isn't good. BF3 felt a lot fairer but gawd knows why they managed to get this so ****** up.

I can't find the video that explains and shows sbs of what is what but it is in this thread somewhere.
I've noticed that thing where you shoot someone and their head/body moves down, or to the side and you end up missing. Its mighty annoying and certainly explains some odd things ive noticed before.

The Mantle issue with Fairfight is fixed. No more crashing, no more lag spikes. No need to use DX11 any more.

Using the CTE they have updated the tickrate. I have to say, it feels a load better. I can start playing again now. Even non CTE feels a hell of a lot better now so whatever they've been doing or have done, its working.
I tried this at 144, 120 and 60 with vsync on and all testing with vsync on led to input lag. Awful too. Maybe it's my DELL though

Rusty - do you game on FPS with your BenQ or your DELL? I was half debating getting a 27" 120Hz for BF4 and just dealing with the colours. I cannot get the same 'feel' with BF4 as I have had with BF3. It seems sluggish. Is this the DELL 27" or the game?

Always the BenQ for FPS games. The colours are a bit pap compared to the Dell but it's all about the 120 Hz. Playing bf4 on the Dell is impossible for me.
Hit regs were a bit off last night on cte, shots were registering as hits at my end but not on the enemies. I registered 7 lmg hits on one guy who turned around and shot me, he still had 77 health - go figure.

The smoothness is immediately noticeable though, no more spikes, high frame rates and low frame times. Its getting there, 8 months later and the beta version is almost perfect :p
Oh I know, mg4+metro+HC= An easy 20,000 xp per round :D

It has the added benefit of wiping out team mates who think its a great idea to stand in front of someone firing or laid down in a doorway :p

Forgot how bad the start up weapons are, thankfully just unlocked the 88 on cte. No hardcore on cte yet though.
Just tried a different CTE server and the lag spikes are back... guess ill wait for the next patch then. Don't understand how it can be fine earlier and now its back to like before.
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