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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Latency and i believe Mantle helps a bit with this as well.

I agree, but BF4 is still broken, i play Infantry and on foot about 80% of the Time, there are days when the games fells right, i get that split second time to react, and my K/D will go 2:0 or even 3:0.. but a lot of the time i just hear / feel one or two thuds and i just drop dead in the blink of an eye for the whole round... its as if everyone is hacking, of course there not, its just a broken game, on those days the game is simply unplayable, Mantle or not.
8 Jan 2010
I remember this, i haven't looked in a long time. i might check it out again now.

Anyway, how did you managed to get banned from Battle-Log? :D are you still able to play the game?

Yeah I can still play the game and post on the CTE.

I got banned by posting a pic of Patrich Bach with the caption "Missing" Reward 2000 Rupees for his safe return. lol :D
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
I did manage some results, eventually


What a pain to do under the pressures of battle, kept forgetting to close the command and thinking '**** sake i've lost control again!!!!'

290P Crossfire DX11.1 14.4 WHQL


Mantle results next.

As promised some Mantle results. They come with a disclaimer though, repeating cpu lag spikes throughout the round. When Dice fix the game i will run it again and get better results. Even with the cpu lag spikes (which weren't present in my DX run) id still prefer to play on Mantle i think.

290P crossfire Mantle 14.4 WHQL


290 Crossfire - Mantle
1440P Ultra Preset results
Metro 64 CQ Large Featuring Whyscotty (both of us dieing a lot) :(


Will run again when Dice fix the cpu spikes. It was not too bad this time though.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Tbh in quite happy with my frame time analysis figures, above 60 quite a lot. But the game doesn't feel as if it is. If monitoring was off you would think it was much lower.

The frame latency charts will always look good for a single gpu as you only have one gpu producing the frames so its always more consistent. The game definitely feels a bit better the past couple of days. Theres still an issue though, a repeating cpu spike that drops my fps (sometimes dramatically) for a second or two. Sometimes it can last a few seconds, or even 10 seconds. Although i can feel the drop and i can see it on the overlay it does not affect the gameplay experience too much i find. Its not like it is a noticeable spike/dip in performance like it was a few days ago. I just hope they can fix it sooner or later. Its annoying when they have had it working perfectly then they manage to break it again.
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