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So when are the CTE improvements going live? Or have they already?

The netcode fixes have been implemented. However the CTE version of the game still runs better than the retail version. When they get the CTE version they're using currently running on the retail version it will be as close to perfect as it can get, on Mantle at least.
Thanks mate.

Just trying to get my buddy back involved in FPS games (playing in a two is far more fun than billy no mates :p).

We quit BF4 mainly due to the dire netcode so that looks promising.

Netcode has improved by 60% according to Dice. Actually it's more like just over 40%. That said it makes a big difference and it's a lot better. However it's still not perfect but it's much improved. When i said as close to perfect in my previous post, i was talking about general smoothness, no cpu spikes etc. The hit reg is a lot better than it was before though.
Game ran smooth for me before. Had no performance issues at all. But I did dial settings back slightly for 100-120 FPS.

It did for me most of the time, but sometimes it did have cpu spiking issues. Setter said something similar a few pages back in this thread about the CTE version playing nicer than the retail, smoothness wise.

One thing ive noticed about bf4 and DX. When playing the CTE its as smooth as bf3 for me, a game that has always ran exceptionally well on 3 generations of nv cards, (470's. 670's and 780). But standard bf4 can be a bit stuttery at times.
This is the CTE patch released today!

With this release we are bringing back features put into exile for Dragon’s Teeth testing, and preparing for the coming Core Gameplay and Netcode changes.

We are adding back the features previously on the CTE:

Uniform Aiming
Jet 3P rear view camera
SU50 plays proper VFX when deploying ECM
FOV slider for vehicle 3P chase camera (option)
Changed the way FOV slider option works
UI now correctly displays both vertical FOV and old FOV value

These features were added in this release:

Base map rush changes
More info here: DICE <3 RUSH
SU50/F35 pilots now hear proper sound when being shot
Jets and helicopters keyboard binding options screen now properly allows to un-assign the free-look button
New Jet stall physics and camera feedback when hitting the flight ceiling
Adding the CTE version number
Top left corner, used for version tracking of videos/screenshots
Supression visualization pass
Adding a first pass vignette to the supression state to clearly indicate when in supressed state on all graphic settings. No changes to how it works (yet). More information to be posted by dev Undeadpixels here:
Open Suppression: How it works and more

The first step of automating the client side High Frequency Update setting (and eventually remove it) has been completed:

Network Performance Graph added You enable this by bringing down the console in game by pressing the tilde key [~], and use the console command: “NetworkPerfOverlay.drawGraph true” to show the graph.
We hope most of you will play with this overlay enabled when testing netcode issues and recording video – as it will help us identify what the state of the network is at all times.


The Network Performance Graph enabled

In the next CTE update, the first version of the automatic High Frequency setting will be included.

Once live – the Network Performance Graph visualization will be key to make sure the server to client update rate is 30hz at all times possible, and that it adapts properly and swiftly to changing network conditions.

Getting this right will be tricky – and we are going to need your help!

To give your feedback – please visit the newly created Core Gameplay forum and post your opinions in the appropriate section!
Open Core Gameplay Forum

If you have questions about Weapons & Animation, check our animator’s thread out:
Open Ask a DICE Weapons Animator
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Only just bought this game the other day, played it a few times then didn't play for 2 or 3 days, then all of a sudden I can no longer do anything on it?!

Every time I join a multiplayer game it just says 'Error Game disconnected: something went wrong.' or the battlefield 4.exe will crash with a not responding message before it even gets into the game. Not changed anything since I last played it now it's unplayable?! Looked at some fixes and reinstalled punkbuster, the BF4 web plugin, DirectX and still same problem.

Any idea?! :(
Only just bought this game the other day, played it a few times then didn't play for 2 or 3 days, then all of a sudden I can no longer do anything on it?!

Every time I join a multiplayer game it just says 'Error Game disconnected: something went wrong.' or the battlefield 4.exe will crash with a not responding message before it even gets into the game. Not changed anything since I last played it now it's unplayable?! Looked at some fixes and reinstalled punkbuster, the BF4 web plugin, DirectX and still same problem.

Any idea?! :(

Did you update punkbuster, or just reinstall it?
Popped on for a quick blast earlier, now wether its a few fixes theyve implemented from CTE, or that im running a newer higher clocked cpu. But the game ran flawlessly. Not a single cpu spike in the time i was on. Oh and as an added bonus. The new chip runs so much cooler than the old one on auto fan. Great not to have to hear the cpu fans running full blast.:cool:
Currently running uncore at 4400mhz, on the first DC bios for the board, (1504 beta) thats what it defaults to. Ive since reflashed to ver 1505 official bios. Uncore on it defaults to 4000mhz, but i bumped it up again. Chip is still very hot though if stressed with anything using AVX, not that ill be doing so. If delidded i think this one could go a good deal higher. L3 batch indicating manufactured in 2013. Big debates on various forums as to wether the L4 chips are better, from what ive read they do seem to consistently clock higher and run cooler. In game, temps max at 61c on auto fan vs 77c on the 4770k.
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