Oh yeah!
Which watch did you go for? Mine isn't being despatched until the end of the month!
Oh yeah!
Oh yeah!
It's the Series 2 Space Gray aluminium. The phone is the silver 7plus 256Gb and it's just restoring through iTunes now./jizz
Which watch did you go for? Mine isn't being despatched until the end of the month!
apart from the bigger storage, what benefits are there on the 7 over the 6s.
Oh yeah!
Show us the real thing!! :p
Got to wait for 4-10 October for my phone :9
I don't want to seem like I'm trolling, but unless you're spending 6-700 quid on your Galaxy phones or other high end Android phones, then you're just getting garbage
You just have to accept that for a premium phone, upwards of £600 is what you're expecting to pay. Bet the Galaxy S8 doesn't start below £600 next year
Comparing the 6S and 7 side by side the 6S loads apps faster. Looks like the slower cores that are in use for mundane OS tasks is having an impact.
My restore appears complete and I've paired the new watch. The only thing which concerns me slightly is that my Photo library on my Mac and my 6SPlus shows over 9,100 photos but the new phone only shows around 3700. Perhaps it needs time to sync but I'd expect the full number to be shown.
I backed up and restored through iTunes.
My restore appears complete and I've paired the new watch. The only thing which concerns me slightly is that my Photo library on my Mac and my 6SPlus shows over 9,100 photos but the new phone only shows around 3700. Perhaps it needs time to sync but I'd expect the full number to be shown.
I backed up and restored through iTunes.
Apps all went on with no problems. I'm specifically not syncing any music yet as I'm switching from 'convert to 128kbps' to default format so I just wanted to be sure all was good before dumping music out to it.Yeah personally i'd give it ages! Has it finished reinstalling your apps etc?
Mine ALWAYS has issues has reinstalling apps.. I'm left with a good few that are just greyed out with "waiting" on them.. happens every time....
lol, iFixit are doing a live streaming water test with an iPhone in a fish tank to test it's waterproofiness
Nearly 3 hours so far, and still in good working order
That's interesting. It utterly obliterated the competition in benchmarks but if it's handling the mundane tasks slower than a 6S and 80% of the operation is handling mundane tasks then that's not good.
I'd like to hear more about this. It could be fixed by an iOS update but I wonder if that would cause a large battery impact. After the iOS10 update my 6S had a genuinely notable increase in speed.