The muslims are at it again



18 Sep 2003
cleanbluesky said:
I think you're projecting an attude onto him. His best mate is Muslim. He had Muslims at his wedding. Knowing this, can you really ASSUME that he meant all Muslims.

He said himself that his friend isn't that good a Muslim. There's plenty of Muslims who are so by name and nothing else. So yes, there is a difference in having friends who aren't practising and assuming that practising Muslims are all out to get him.
18 Oct 2002
VIRII said:
Visage is not argumentative and provocative? Are you sure?
I never said provocative. You (generic you) can be provocative with one post. Yes he is provocative, as are lots of people. But he doesn't get his teeth into a debate in the same way as you, CBS or perhaps myself. He tends to post and then when challenged, not back up his arguments as if he's lost interest, or knows he's defeated but is unwilling to admit so.

I think you are merely trying to start an argument to create and then prove a point :)
No I'm not :) I was just poking some good-natured fun at CBS for him to respond, I didn't mean it all über-seriously.
4 Aug 2003
VIRII said:
You mean you have moments of your day when you aren't blaming Israel the UK and the US for everything in the world?
Absolutely! There are many such moments and many bad things for which the Israelis, Bliar and the current US administration can't be blamed - which is what I assume you meant to say, since I don't really think that even you would think that a piece of land can be blamed for much?

VIRII said:
Surely if there is no football on you have even less excuse not to be sorting out your demo.
I don't really do any "sorting out" on the Stop the War demonstration, just go along. You're probably right, I should be more involved - just time and place to be honest.

VIRII said:
After all did you not demand to know what my excuse for not going on it was :D
What, me?
Surely not?

You're much too sensitive ;)
24 Jul 2003
Raz said:
He said himself that his friend isn't that good a Muslim. There's plenty of Muslims who are so by name and nothing else. So yes, there is a difference in having friends who aren't practising and assuming that practising Muslims are all out to get him.

LOL. I don't think a good muslim gets angry at book burning either.
Then again an old chap I work with (originally from pakistan and quite important in his mosque) and his wife were at my wedding. He has retired now with heart problems. I found him to be one of the most humble and gentle people I had ever met. He is what you would call a proper muslim.
I take people as I find them. Probably not ALL people though :D
24 Jul 2003
Shackley said:
Absolutely! There are many such moments and many bad things for which the Israelis, Bliar and the current US administration can't be blamed - which is what I assume you meant to say, since I don't really think that even you would think that a piece of land can be blamed for much?
I hope you are ashamed of your lack of commitment. Your shallow half hearted attempts at being pro palestinian are pitiful. You must read the guardian more!!! twice daily at least.
Shackley said:
I don't really do any "sorting out" on the Stop the War demonstration, just go along. You're probably right, I should be more involved - just time and place to be honest.
No excuses, try harder.
Shackley said:
What, me?
Surely not?

You're much too sensitive ;)
What? I used TWO smileys godammit.
24 Jul 2003
dirtydog said:
I never said provocative. You (generic you) can be provocative with one post. Yes he is provocative, as are lots of people. But he doesn't get his teeth into a debate in the same way as you, CBS or perhaps myself. He tends to post and then when challenged, not back up his arguments as if he's lost interest, or knows he's defeated but is unwilling to admit so.
Is that a round-a-bout way of saying he's a full of **** troll?
4 Aug 2003
VIRII said:
Come to think of it have you ever seen any of the following disagree with each other:

Dark Shadow
@if r@fiq

Just a small number of posters who never seem to disagree with eachother. What of it?
This is probably an inexcusable admission, but I really can't recall any of the posts by RichL, Visage or Dark Shadow although I have read posts by all of them from time to time . . . sorry guys, I will try harder in future :(

As to @if r@fiq; Yup, I have read a lot of his posts - don't really know much about him other than that he always seems implausibly rational, level-headed and restrained, even when he is clearly being provoked - more often that not, by one of your many rants. An example to us all, I would say :p

I agree with much of what he says and when I don't, I really don't feel sufficiently strongly to comment. If it would make you feel less isolated and more loved, I will try to express disagreement with him from time to time :D
24 Jul 2003
Shackley said:
This is probably an inexcusable admission, but I really can't recall any of the posts by RichL, Visage or Dark Shadow although I have read posts by all of them from time to time . . . sorry guys, I will try harder in future :(

As to @if r@fiq; Yup, I have read a lot of his posts - don't really know much about him other than that he always seems implausibly rational, level-headed and restrained, even when he is clearly being provoked - more often that not, by one of your many rants. An example to us all, I would say :p

I agree with much of what he says and when I don't, I really don't feel sufficiently strongly to comment. If it would make you feel less isolated and more loved, I will try to express disagreement with him from time to time :D
Now they'll all have to try harder to be memorable lol.
Are you @if r@fiq? Never seen you disagree with him..... lol
3 May 2003
Shackley said:
As to @if r@fiq; Yup, I have read a lot of his posts - don't really know much about him other than that he always seems implausibly rational, level-headed and restrained, even when he is clearly being provoked - more often that not, by one of your many rants. An example to us all, I would say :p

24 Jul 2003
Shackley said:
Harsh, very harsh - verging on cruel and unusual punishment, I would say. :D
Ok being a fair and kind muslim, and following the example of Mohammed you have the following choices:

Kill yourself.
Kill your children.
Line up while I behead you.
Read the guardian.
Be stoned to death.

Let allahs mercy be apparent in his wise and gentle justice.....
18 Oct 2002
Santa Barbara, Californee
VIRII said:
Come to think of it have you ever seen any of the following disagree with eachother:

Dark Shadow
@if r@fiq

Just a small number of posters who never seem to disagree with eachother. What of it?
It's hard to disagree with people who believe in 'live and let live'.

Well, without calling them wishy-washy liberals lacking in valuable life experience that is.
Last edited:
24 Jul 2003
Rich_L said:
It's hard to disagree with people who believe in 'live and let live'.

Well, without calling them wishy-washy liberals lacking in valuable life experience that is.

LOL. Live and let live as long as you convert to Islam? Live and let live for homosexuals? Live and let live as long as you ensure you change your ways to be non offensive to muslims and you abandon freedom of speech........

I take it you found nothing disagreeable in visages posts during the 7/7 bombings....

I guess the weak will ally with anyone if it helps them...
18 Oct 2002
Santa Barbara, Californee
I'm pretty sure no Muslim posters on here have tried to convert me to Islam :shrug: In fact, my opinion of @tif, Raz et al is that they have the patience of saints and I'm continually amazed how they put up with the tirade of subtle and not-so-subtle abuse aimed at them and their peers.

And personally, I didn't find Visage's posts on 7/7 disagreeable in the slightest. The clear and frank apology and explanation from Visage on the day for any offence caused was enough for me, pity you didn't deem that adequate enough for your poor sensibilities.
24 Jul 2003
Rich_L said:
I'm pretty sure no Muslim posters on here have tried to convert me to Islam :shrug: In fact, my opinion of @tif, Raz et al is that they have the patience of saints and I'm continually amazed how they put up with the tirade of subtle and not-so-subtle abuse aimed at them and their peers.

And personally, I didn't find Visage's posts on 7/7 disagreeable in the slightest. The clear and frank apology and explanation from Visage on the day for any offence caused was enough for me, pity you didn't deem that adequate enough for your poor sensibilities.

Ahh my poor sensibilities. I have no excuse for being annoyed with a poster who mocked people being murdered. Of course the muslims are saints because people dare disagree with them....... what twisted values.
Murder = no reason to find that offensive.
Disagreeing with Islam = outrageous insult.

How very wonderfully politically correct of you :)

But then what else can we expect from a young man who sees no moral problem having sex with his mother? How very liberal .... I'm sure a few muslims would stone you to death for it lol.
14 Apr 2004
Rich_L said:
I'm pretty sure no Muslim posters on here have tried to convert me to Islam :shrug: In fact, my opinion of @tif, Raz et al is that they have the patience of saints and I'm continually amazed how they put up with the tirade of subtle and not-so-subtle abuse aimed at them and their peers.
Shhh don't let everyone know . . . we're meant to be savages :D

I'm sure Virii et al will revolutionalise the world behind a keyboard :cool:
18 Oct 2002
Santa Barbara, Californee
VIRII said:
But then what else can we expect from a young man who sees no moral problem having sex with his mother? How very liberal .... I'm sure a few muslims would stone you to death for it lol.
The ironic thing VIRII is every time you bring that up in an attempt to besmirch me or my posting reputation, all it does is highlight your total lack of comprehension of the post in question, and make you look like a complete idiot. Amusing really.
24 Jul 2003
Rich_L said:
The ironic thing VIRII is every time you bring that up in an attempt to besmirch me or my posting reputation, all it does is highlight your total lack of comprehension of the post in question, and make you look like an idiot. Amusing really.
Really? It is not an attempt to besmirch you. It merely highlights how far you are prepared to go in order to be "liberal" and PC.
Do you have a moral objection to a son sleeping with his mother if both consent? Well do you.......
24 Jul 2003
dark_shadow said:
Shhh don't let everyone know . . . we're meant to be savages :D

I'm sure Virii et al will revolutionalise the world behind a keyboard :cool:
Ahh well first i'll write a book then I'll invade places and kill anyone who doesn't follow my rules and then 1400 years later a bunch of misguided fools will think I was guided by god. It has worked before, sounds like a plan.
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