The rewind feature will be usefull but i dont want to get into a habbit of not earning my wins. I like the idea though you can use it to create your videos, but then I kinda hate that too as now video replays could be stitched from many rewinds and not show somone doing just an awesome lap unaided.
Do you get what im saying here guys? Its as if achieving what you want is more important than how you achieve it.
I think it's a time will tell..
End of the day, what I bring myself back to is the certification aspect, and the fact that using rewind un-certifies that lap/race.. No matter what they do with their video, unless their time is on the leaderboard as certified it's meaningless.
The other thing is, you can put your 'replay' itself up for download, this isn't a video, just the normal saved replay (presumably offered on your storefront), and people can download that and see your lap, I hope that certification is shown in this, so you know if it's a pukka lap or not..
The actual video aspect, well you can only export 30 second clips at a time, and so any video of a lap will be stitched together from many clips, in which case, all video'd replays must be taken as 'editied' anyway, and have lost a little integrity, for the real lap, the bare replay and leaderboards should hopefully be enough to stop 'cheaters' claiming fast laps..