***The Official Forza Motorsport 3 Thread***


Whatever way you want to dress it up, you clearly are showing quite some bias towards GT5, that is A-OK of course, but don't expect to not be challenged on the raft of negativity you are bringing into a thread about FM3.. We get that you want all that GT5 has to offer and FM3 doesn't offer..

That is all really, I see a lot of good in both games, despite the fact I know some of it doesn't suit my tastes, perhaps I'm too open minded to these things, as I intend getting GT5, possibly even GT-PSP as well as FM3, I just can't get enough racing action, and don't want to miss out on any front..

However, with regards to FM3, I would have liked 'more' to match the GT5 numbers, but as I said, am happy that they've balanced the features to 'numbers' to still give a great game.

Hands-on feedback from IGN/Gamespot et-al is a resounding "stunning/beautiful' graphically, so it may not be GT5, but it's doesn't sound like anything less then 'great'..

I really want to hear more about the community features, they've specifically said 'no further details' so expect lots to come.. As with physics, etc, but they clearly think they have a lot to shout about..

The point about the car numbers is not trivial, Dan Greenawood states FM3 has got the most cars etc isnt true when even embarrisingly GT PSP has 800 on a portable. Yeah i wont drive 15 versions of a Skyline and that point is true as well but its the fact their hyping FM3 with unfactual information isnt a good way to promote it.
To be fair, I think what he is referring to is that they feel they have more distinct models of car.. GT so far has shown that 800 cars normally includes tens of variants of each car..
On that basis (if true), both can claim 'more' depending on how that is defined..
Marketing spin is always crap, how many times do we hear 'only possible on PS3'.. when technically that probably isn't the case.. however, they have peoples minds to 'sway'.. so it'll always be a function of promoting a product..
GT5 doesn't have Porsches or Lambos? Still? WHY? What are these 800 cars? Every revision of every Jap car ever released?

Nothing has been confirmed on if they will be in the latest GT or not yet.
What will happen is offical Nascar and WRC cars so that immediately keeps USA and many Euro game fans with something they may like. GT may have a host more GT/Lemans cars as well. Like i said its about the cars being able to balance well in performance that means the most.

All to often these games end up having one or two car/upgrade combos that wipes the floor with the others then grids and online play suffers with same car races. I hope more time is spent in ensuring this doesnt happen as to be fair all games could benifit with improved performance structures/handling difficulty or tyre wear.

Im not being negative, for the sake of disruption.
Im comparing as people have and will continue to do, its not fanboyisium for one or the other as you tend to be making it, no in fact its taking onboard the factors of each title im intersted in.

As for SHIFT its already been announced it will have better handling than most give it credit for so i wouldnt brush it off yet neither.

Great time for racing game fans and thats what exites me the most.
What do you mean no active aero?

I think this is referring to the spoilers on some cars that 'lift' at speed, and retract when slower (and/or flip up as an airbrake (Veyron))...

Well that's my understanding :) (I could be wrong)..

These where just rumours, but I think the source was semi-credible, an alleged T10 employee spouting off on a forum just after the E3 presentation, and he did have the econo-boxes and SUV's thing right..

But you never know... I think small things like this 'should' be put in for completeness, they've said the internal 'dials' and instrumentation will be working, and it'll be a bit of a shame if it's 'cut' due to deadlines..
It will be a real shame if the active spoilers and airbrake of the SLR are AGAIN not working in Forza, I mean they have had time to implement these changes it's not like the game has just been announced with zero dev time, it looks like it's been in dev for a long time, and why that feature isn't there is baffling.

The day/night weather thing I am not too fussed about, but the aero thing is something that is important to me.
Can't wait to get this and start tuning some cars, I love all the bits you can replace not to mention the ability to paint the cars so there is much more variety online :D

Doesn't Forza 2 have the moving rear break on the SLR :s
If it wasn't Forza I'm struggling to think what game I have definitely seen it in.
Can't wait to get this and start tuning some cars, I love all the bits you can replace not to mention the ability to paint the cars so there is much more variety online :D

Doesn't Forza 2 have the moving rear break on the SLR :s
If it wasn't Forza I'm struggling to think what game I have definitely seen it in.

Nope Forza 2, PGR don't have it. Last game I saw it in was GT4.
It will be a real shame if the active spoilers and airbrake of the SLR are AGAIN not working in Forza, I mean they have had time to implement these changes it's not like the game has just been announced with zero dev time, it looks like it's been in dev for a long time, and why that feature isn't there is baffling.

The day/night weather thing I am not too fussed about, but the aero thing is something that is important to me.

How can developers ever hope to impress anyone when gamers are this anal about pointless things?
How can developers ever hope to impress anyone when gamers are this anal about pointless things?

I think it's a minor point, but it's the little things like this that can really polish a game..

It's not confirmed/denied yet as whether it'll be in the final game.. They do show tyres deforming on the replays, which is uber-neat, so you'd think if they have put effort to show bendy tyres, the more 'trick' looking active spoilers etc would be a given..

I won't mind if it's not in, but will be a bit happier if they did put these tiny touches into the final game..
How can developers ever hope to impress anyone when gamers are this anal about pointless things?

You class it as pointless, I class it as a massive thing. As posted if they are bothered about putting tyre deformation in etc, then why the hell can they not place active aero on cars, I mean it's an integral part of the car, the designers put it there for a reason, if they are going all out then it should be in there.

You may think it's anal but I do not, it goes with the package, how come GT4 had it, but no Forza game has. Now is the time to fix this.

In fact I am going to register on the Forza board later, and ask this question to the devs, that's how strongly I feel about it. It's all in the details.
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