Any chance of that in Layman's terms!
Money, Logitech are a big competitor to microsofts desktop hardware division i guess.
Any chance of that in Layman's terms!
The AI has been overhauled, the two notable points mentioned so far are
1. AI now makes mistakes under pressure, the higher the difficulty level, the less mistakes they make
2. Rubbing against other cars (ooh-err) won't spin you out or slow you down as much as it used to an interview with Joystiq, Forza Motorsport 3 content director John Wendl of Turn 10, confirmed the upcoming racer would ship on two discs. As rumors last year noted, the core game will come on the game's first disc while the second will be reserved for other content -- such as vehicles and maps. "It is going to ship on two discs," Wendl said. "Disc one is the full experience, even disc one is bigger than any other racing game out there. Disc two includes a lot of extra cars, even a handful of tracks."
When asked if the second disc would act as a data transfer, downloading the additional content to the hard drive for use with the first disc, Wendl told us that was "exactly right." While Turn 10 assures all gamers will be able to enjoy the full Forza 3 experience, we now have confirmation that not all gamers will be able to enjoy all 400 vehicles promised at the Microsoft press briefing.
There won't be any disc swapping in-game.
Sounds like disc two will work like DLC, you just insert it and copy all the data across, then it appears in the game like it would if it were DLC.
So you could copy disc 1 to HDD as a normal 360 game and copy disc 2 using some special function that copies it to the "DLC" section of the HDD instead of the "installed games" section?
Sounds like a smart way to do it
F3 shipping on 2 discs was first reported a long time ago, nothing new there.
Looks awesome, can't wait!
I will also be interested with the in-car view with a lightened car, will the seats change, roll cage etc?