*** The Official HTC Desire (Bravo) Thread! ***

Create a Titanium Backup (or and/Nandroid too) and update, no reason why it should fail!
I've just discovered something quite cool - on the stock android keyboard, drag upwards, and you get a selection of numbers and symbols, very handy.

Or am I just slightly behind? :p
Just a bit :p

In Swiftkey the defaults are swipe up to enable temp CAPS, left to delete last word and down to hide keyboard :p

HTC_IME_MOD can be completely customised too for gestures.
Settings > Apps > Manage Apps

Anything not on the SD Card tab is installed on internal mem.

I'd advise the use of an EXT partition, it is superior to Android 2.2's Apps2SD.

Back up card
Partition card
Restore backed up contents
Boot up phone
Apps and cache should automove to SD card's EXT partition now
Just downloaded the SwiFTP app and it lets you see every file on the phone even internal memory, is it safe to delete apps from the app folder that I don't want?

Depends if it's in /data/app or if it's in /system/app because you don't have write access to /system on the Desire.
I had a similar problem, I just couldn't get it to go down the correct APN no matter what I tried. It always seemed to default to wap.o2.co.uk for MMS unless I removed that entry totally (I snooped the traffic to observe this). Of course then I could send MMS but my wap wasn't working. In the end I installed LeeDroid and this fixed the issue, I think there is something buggy with the 'APN type' field as setting this to 'mms' for the mms APN entry should send all that traffic down there but it doesn't seem to with some ROMs.

Yep, I gave up, I'll try the WAP setting again, Just out of curiosity.

ROM specific you think ? Ah well.

Cheers anyway fella ! :)
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