Every family in Britain ought to.
My niece is 4 and she has just got a big box of lego
Every family in Britain ought to.
Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, I have just had a flashback to the 90's. I had the pleasure of owning this setup when I was ten and your pictures have brought it all back!!!
Greatest toy every designed. period.
I couldn’t resist and this arrived today.
Lego of much awesomeness!
I decided to treat myself to that set a couple of weeks ago.
Lego of much awesomeness!
I decided to treat myself to that set a couple of weeks ago.
Pinter75 showed his space shuttle in a thread last week and I just had to get one. I got it from the online shop and not for the silly prices being asked on eBay.
Pinter75 showed his space shuttle in a thread last week and I just had to get one. I got it from the online shop and not for the silly prices being asked on eBay.
It's one of few things that is actually more expensive on ebay than it is in the Lego Shop!
Just Stumbleuponed this, and thought it was pretty cool.