The Official 'The Dark Knight Rises' Spoiler Discussion Thread...

My biggest problem regarding Bane was the just how quickly he was dispatched. I mean the big bad baddie who'd beat the living hell out of Batman earlier in the film just wiped out in an instant.

I think at that point the focus was on the redemption of Selena Kyle, after her previous betrayal of batman. No way could she go toe-to-toe with Bane, and batman was in no condition to fight. Plus, with the clock ticking there was no time for another drawn out fight. So boom! instead.

I really wonder what the next series of batman films will be like. If someone tries to follow with JGL in the boots of batman - not convinced about that. Or if there will be a reboot... can't imagine anything without Bruce Wayne.

Ah... quite sad to say goodbye to Bale, Freeman, Caine, and the rest of the awesome cast.
Saw it early this morning at the BFI Imax - my first IMAx experience.

OMG - the IMAX scenes are just incredible - even disorientating at times - you almost feel like you are batman looking over Gotham as he does in the film!

Overall loved the film - not as good as TDK but still worthy of its high rating.
Really enjoyed the TDKR at the cinema last night, I'd give it an easy 9/10. I've liked all three movies just the same.

I just hope the future batman films continue from TDKR, I think the story has been left wide open, can definitely see batman and robin in the next one.

I just wonder who the next bad guy will be?

Penguin, Ridler perhaps?
Well Bane wasn't superman, the problem that was made very clear when Bale put the suit back on, he hadn't trained for years, was generally knackered overall, and as Bane told him when fighting him,"victory has made you weak". Wayne ego wasn't in check, nobody had beaten him before, so when he first takes on Bane he's still physically nowhere what he was.
I think the biggest shame with TDKR is the fact that Warner Brothers will never have the balls to pick up where it leaves the series & we'll be stuck with another full on re-boot of the franchise :/
I think the biggest shame with TDKR is the fact that Warner Brothers will never have the balls to pick up where it leaves the series & we'll be stuck with another full on re-boot of the franchise :/

Reboot it for a different direction is better than messing up a good trilogy that was made as a trilogy right from the word go. If they market it as not from the beginning, starting from a point can always work too without too big of a reboot.
I loved TDKR BUT if there was ever a requirement for a movie to release a directors cut this is it.

I would happily watch the movie again with an extra hours worth of footage and be in hogs heaven.

The truth is that it was so painfully rushed in places i can only hope that this was due to pressure from the producers about the films length as they might have a direct impact on the number of showings in any given cinema per day.
Saw this last night at the BFI IMAX and loved it - HOWEVER:

I agree with just about every point made on that list. Not with as much venom as the author, though.

Gotta say I agree with most of that too.

I had a thought & just run it by you all, how do you think the film would have worked if they'd done it in 2 parts?

A lot of the issues raised in that list of 99 I think could be solved with a bit more time & space to work with, just seemed at times that there was so much going on & no time to deal with it all, e.g. how long was he in the prison for? & it's all done in 10/15 minutes screen time or something. You could finish the 1st part with Bats getting broken & the 2nd part could be the resurrection.
Saw this last night at the BFI IMAX and loved it - HOWEVER:

I agree with just about every point made on that list. Not with as much venom as the author, though.

TDKR is released and most people seem to be praising it. I will write an article called "99 Reasons Why The Dark Knight Rises Sucked"

Seems legit.

I agree with some of those points, but most are ridiculous and unimportant, and anyone with an ounce of sense could dismiss them.
Saw this last night at the BFI IMAX and loved it - HOWEVER:

I agree with just about every point made on that list. Not with as much venom as the author, though.

I feel the same about the first major plot / pace issues although without the bitchy faggotry of the author. It does descend into pettiness though - even whining about spelling mistakes and makeup before long.
Most of the points are valid I feel, but 43 - Gordon's letter, Bane does get the letter from him during the sewer scene.

Was just about to post that....but 98 reasons TDKR sucked doesn't have the same ring to it;)

Just a few-

55. Shortly after slipping back into the city Bruce knows exactly where to find Selina Kyle and is waiting for her on the street.
44. Batman is stuck in a prison located at the bottom of a deep well in the middle east yet they seem to get better reception than some people in the United States.
39. Gotham is a major city, some other major cities... Chicago, Pittsburgh, New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Dallas. All these teams regularly sell out their seats. The only possible explanation is the football game was a pre-season game but I doubt Hines Ward would be charged with a kick-off return in a pre-season game.
24. Also, how does someone like Commissioner Gordon even know who Bane is? He seems as he is portrayed as a terrorist probably in the Africa/Asia/Middle East areas. Not someone who a half-unconscious police commissioner would know.
38. Commissioner Gordon near death in a hospital bed can barely get out of bed manages to ambush not one but two members of the League of Shadows, killing them both, with little effort. From this point on in the film he suffers no effects from his injuries.
Is this guy so dense that he can't work these out for himself, or find a simple explanation for them?

I hate articles like this. The movie wasn't perfect obviously, but I barely have a problem with anything he mentions. Some points are valid enough, but practically irrelevant for me.
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Saw this last night at the BFI IMAX and loved it - HOWEVER:

I agree with just about every point made on that list. Not with as much venom as the author, though.
That guy has way too much time on his hands.

The film has problems aplenty, but plot holes? People still get all uppity about plot holes? It's a superhero movie - granted, one steeped in realism, but it's still about a bloke who wears a bat mask and a cape and prances around punching baddies who look equally as ridiculous - and people are questioning things that "don't make sense"? You're supposed to suspend belief.

Anybody that wants every minor detail explained and wrapped up with a ribbon and bow better be prepared for some 12 hour trips to the cinema.
This can be done with any film really, obviously people are more inclined to do it with films they really didn't enjoy. He's entitled to his opinion of course, but some of those seem like he simply missed the point.

Along with the already mentioned above, number 16 - Bearing in mind Bane's plan for Batman (to watch as he tortures Gotham, and then he can die) it's 100% logical that he would give specific orders that he is not to be harmed in any way while he is there. It's also logical to assume he has the influence over the prison to be able to give these orders, otherwise he wouldn't send him there in the first place.
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