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One of the IT guys at work who vapes gave me 8 18650 batts from some old laptop batteries, but considering they aren't really safe, I'm not sure what application I could use them for.
Hi guys,

I'm feeling the need to finally upgrade to a proper kit that includes the option of variable voltages and the fact that I've had enough of my crappy Kanger Evod kit due to it never working properly and having to go back to the older trusty CE5 kit. I've been looking at one of these: http://www.fasttech.com/products/1411/10004394/1334900

Is this the kit that most people on here have been upgrading to going by the amount of Vamo posts? I've also read that this kit that it's recommended to upgrade to the Panasonic batteries as they are more of a premium quality and last longer, is this correct?

Thanks all - Liam

I would get the kit with the nitecore charger (much better) and 2 18650 batts instead of the 18350s
Thanks mate :) Those 18650 batteries supplied are Sony ones as opposed to Panasonic ones that people recommended, would Sony ones will be more than suitable?


They'll be fine. You may find after a while that they aren't as able to cope when they are running low, but I go through 2 18350s in a day easily, whereas one 18650 lasts me all day. I do like the small form factor, but I couldn't use them every day. More of a night out thing for me. Besides, you can always pick up more!
I'm having this problem. My mod never leaves my hand once I come home from work. I must going through about 2 tank fulls every night before bed. Funny thing is I used to be a light smoker, about 3 rollies in the evening.

I noticed that my vaping is affecting my sleep, I'm as high as a kite come bed time and can't sleep. I now get stressed about not being able to sleep and need to have a vape to claim down. Having about 3 bottles of Duvel helps me sleep, so need to stock up on a few crates.

I generally vape between 2-3ml a day. If you're concerned about your nic intake, maybe drop the strength of your liquids? Then you can still chain vape, but without whizzing your **** off at the end of the day. Or have two batches, one for day, one weaker juice for evening use.
I'm an avid shisha smoker, and was looking into vaping. The only thing I am worried about is the restriction and lack of deep tokes /drags. Most I have used have been very restrictive and burn too hot to be able to deep toke them.

I'm also a person where if I am to do something, I will try to do it best, no beginner products, straight in for the kill with the topeend stuff, and after getting it worry about how to make it work

Is there a general link or direction I should be looking? Should I jump straight into mechanical mods and atomiser rather than the camp and protank?

I wouldn't go straight into mech mods and stainless steel wicks just yet. They are a huge fiddle at the start, so I would suggest a good variable voltage mod like the SVD or Vamo, and then stick a protank on top. You can aalways put a new atty on top, but the VV mod will mean less fiddling with multi-meters and recoiling to get the right resistance coil.

OK guys, it's question time, I'm afraid:

I have 2x Apollo VVs and 1x Kanger Protank (I recloil them myself now) and 1x Vivi Nova. I tend to use the Protank as it's better now I've fixed all the leaking issues and taped 2 of the air holes:

I'd like to change the batteries at some point, but I'm loathe to spend 150 quid (or whatever) on a Provari. Ideally, I'd spend nothing, but I don't think the Apollo is really good enough for my requirements (I vape almost exclusively these days). Could definitely find 100 quid (preferably less) but it would need to be significantly better than what I've got now (i.e. not just more shiny with better build/longevity)

Any suggestions that are different to the Provari idea? Vamo perhaps? Anything better than a recloiled Protank 1 for me?

I feel demanding, but there's a lot of knowledge here :p

Either a Vamo or SVD (I prefer my SVD now) would be a good budget upgrade. Better battery life than the Apollos, better fine tuning of voltage, variable wattage. And the option to go either 18350 mini mode or 18650 lightsaber mode. Only £25 from fasttech too (plus batts)
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I have a good feeling I'll get it right on my first or second attempt. I used to race RC cars on a semi-pro level and was always tinkering with my motors and batteries and ECU etc. Only downside I can see is the fact I don't have an Ohm-meter...

It's not really important if you aren't using steel wick. As long as you are using a reasonable gauge wire then you can pretty much guess the resistance from the number of wraps. What device are you putting it on? If it isn't variable voltage then you might want slightly thicker wire to get a lower res coil and make the volts go a bit further (1.6Ohms on an ego batt is quite nice, which I acheive with 4 wraps of .3 ribbon kanthal on 3 strands of 1mm wick, but that's on a nova)
So it's fine just staying on my desk, or should I put it else where? I won't be tempted to open it either as I wasn't keen at first...If that is all I do, will leave it till I pick up GTA V...should be long enough?

Yep, every now and then maybe take the cap off to let fresh air in and speed up the process. You can also sit the bottle in a hot (but not too hot) water bath to really speed it up. I'm not sure if I'd recommend that with plastic bottles though
Going on a basic eGo for now until I can afford to buy a VW device...

Yeah you'll be fine then. They don't fire under 1.2Ohms anyway, so you just gotta try and get as close to that as you can. Like I said, 4 wraps of .3 ribbon kanthal (very different to .3 normal wire btw) does about 1.6-1.8Ohms for me and vapes quite nicely on an ego battery.
Does it vape better than the stock 2.5 Ohms? More vapor and flavor?

Yeah. If I put a 2.5 Ohm head on a 3.7V battery, I die a little inside.

V = I*R, so
I= 3.7/2.5 = 1.48A

3.7= I*1.6
I= 3.7/1.6 = 2.31A

So lots more current through the coil, which means a hotter coil, so more vapour and more of this :):):):):)
Just a quick query, but I was just wondering if many people here have currently written to their MP and elected MEPs regarding the upcoming votes on the TED -- specifically to demand the removal of Article 18 from the bill?

On another note, saw a mention on the UK Vapers forum that someone had received an email response from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport stating that they did not allow vaping anywhere in the airport -- including the smoking areas. WUT???

I'm through there relatively often for work, so we'll see how that holds up I guess!

I have, yeah. I would recommend everyone here do the same. As it stands, that article will put most business out of business, and will make getting shiny mods and liquid very difficult.
Since we're on the topic of regulation etc, I thought I'd put this up for discussion here. One of my work colleagues and I got chatting while having a vape, and she was telling me how her friend caught her 14yr old son smoking. He said that he didn't really like smoking but wanted an ecig like hers because "all the other kids had them" at their school. So this friend is now considering buying her 14yr old son an ecig and zero Nic liquid to keep him off the cigarettes.

Until thus point, I had always assumed ecigs would be "uncool" with kids, but it seems they offer an undetectable way for kids to "smoke" which they still see as cool. I was a bit unsure how I felt about the idea of a 14yr old vaping. Surely, given an absolute choice between cigarettes and zero Nic ecig, the ecig is the lesser of two evils, but it didn't feel right to me. What do you guys think about this? Does it justify concerns about vaping renormalising smoking? Would these kids be smoking anyway, so this is at least safer? What are the long term repurcussions?
Thinking of getting this along with an ohm meter and a blue glass tank for my Protank 2, cheaper and better looking than a Vamo. What do you guys reckon?

Looks pretty good, but I still think you'd enjoy a VV mod better than a mech. Still, you can always get both since they're cheap.
Oh I hope they stop him smoking both asap. Next they will be making their own juice and some poor child will get hurt(I hope not).

Apparently they aren't fussed about the nic content, he just wants to have an ecig. Still, I was surprised and concerned tbh, and said the same thing. She tried to educate him on why she vapes, but to be fair, I knew smoking was bad for me when I was young but just didn't care/understand. So vaping is "in" with kids it seems. It certainly doesn't help our cause. Unfortunately what is cool to adults overlaps to kids a bit, and lobbyists will take one look at GVC and say "they're even making custard flavours to get kids into it!". Yeah, and Ferrari make cars kids think are cool so they'll buy their fast cars and die! Clearly not the case, but it's a soft target nonetheless.

I guess what I'm saying is that we do need to consider the impact ecigs could have on kids who aren't the intended users. On the one hand, if they aren't smoking, great. On the other, it's easy to hide, and developing a nic addiction at that age is not a good thing. In the same vein as that I wouldn't want young kids pouring 10 cups of coffee down their gobs every day.
Are there any negatives to getting the clone mods? Feel like getting a few to see what I like, and then buy the real deal of the one that suits me

It's mainly build quality. But that's probably the way to go. Try them out on the cheap and then invest in a longer lasting version.
I'd prefer a VW as opposed to VV from what I have read...or I may have got that wrong...Either way, I'm enjoying my eGo and have no desire to bin it for something shiny and expensive. I believe my eGo vapes at 3.7v and I'm perfectly happy with that. I have also been reading, and I'd prefer a mod over a VW/VV due to looks alone, but I would use a kick to keep the voltage stable (think that is correct?) and then use the ohms on the coils to change my vape?

All VW devices will be VV as well (not necessarily the other way around), but you're right in thinking VW is easier to use.

Pros and cons
Mech: pro, no circuitry getting in the way of the current. Con, more fiddling with attys to get the coil heat right
VV/VW mods: pro, easy to use, change the coil heat on the fly with no fiddle. Con, big, more prone to malfunction/damage.

They each have their benefits, but because of the extra hassle mechs involve, they're generally better suited to enthusiasts who don't mind recoiling and recoiling to get the right resistance. VV/VW is very user friendly. Using a kick is basically turning a mech into a VV mod, but does mean you lose some of that mech hard hitting current.
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