What film did you watch last night?

World War Z, 7/10 for me.

Thought it was ok, not the best zombie film going, few dodgy CGI scenes, and all the supporting characters seemed very weak.

a good turn your brain off and watch type of film, if i was to sit down and really watch it and criticise, would probably knock it down to a 5/10
'A Hijacking' which I mentioned in this thread:-


Tense movie based upon real life events of a Danish cargo ship being hijacked by Somalian pirates. Been a long time since I've been absolutely drawn in by a movie like this did to me. It's not an action movie, rather it deals with the individual crew members and their predicament and then on the flip side it also outlines what their management back home who are negotiating with the pirates are going through.

Seek it out and watch it if you can, you won't regret it.

Just couldn't get into it. Don't really watch them sort of fantasy films but just got bored.

Awesome. I look forward to more terrible ratings of films in genres you have an aversion to.

First one is boring? first is the best. Though Bag End and Rivendell is far too cosy putting you in a sleepy moment. In a good way. There's so many cosy moments in the first film, especially in Bree and all the soft dialect.
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World War Z (2013)



United Nations employee Gerry Lane traverses the world in a race against time to stop the Zombie pandemic that is toppling armies and governments, and threatening to destroy humanity itself

Went into this film knowing very little apart from the fact that Brad Pitt was in it and that it appeared to have an overall high score on imdb (7+).

Where do I start! The whole Zombie/human infection thing has been done to death and I like many others am getting bored to tears by it (with the exception of the great 'Walking Dead' of course :D ).
Not only was the film as original as a £5 market DVD but it was shockingly poor to boot!
Cheesy, cliché ridden, predictable, sentimental, over the top and just damn right dull as dishwater :mad:
I gave up after 40mins as I couldn't take anymore and was really looking forward to watching a good film that evening so moved onto the Spanish offering below :)

As I didn't watch the entirety I'm not going to score it as I feel that would be unfair!
I have seen films in the past that started off very slow and seemed quite dull to begin with to only then blow me away later on.
(I don't hold much hope of that being the case here though :p )

No score, gave up after 40 minutes :(

Biutiful (2010)



Uxbal lives in a shabby apartment in Barcelona with his two young children, Ana and Mateo. He is separated from their mother Marambra, an unreliable and reckless woman suffering from alcoholism and bipolar disorder. Having grown up an orphan, Uxbal has no family other than his brother Tito, who works in the construction business. Uxbal earns a living by procuring work for illegal immigrants and managing a group of Chinese women producing forged designer goods along with the African street vendors who are selling them. He is able to talk to the dead and is sometimes paid to pass on messages from the recently deceased at wakes and funerals

Coming straight from World War Z this was like night and day!
This film has heart, passion and bundles of unpredictable originality all rolled in with some bleak realism and powerful screenplay.
Certainly not a feel good film but extremely powerful with exceptional acting and script.

8.8/10 Highly recommended

** As for LOTR getting 2/10 that's just nuttZ!! And you gave 'shooter' 10/10!:eek: It's thanks to people like you that tripe like World War Z get's produced!!
/Film snob :p
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World War Z - Started pretty good but levelled out at around 6.5/10 for me. It didn't explain how it managed to spread so easily across continents considering how quickly it took people to turn or where it came from at all, bit of a cop out.
Safety Not Guaranteed.

Three magazine employees head out on an assignment to interview a guy who placed a classified ad seeking a companion for time travel.

Darius is a young intern at a Seattle-based magazine and jumps at the chance to investigate the author of a classified ad seeking someone to travel back in time with. Along with Jeff, the staff writer, and Arnau, a fellow intern, the three go on a road trip to a coastal town. While Jeff just wants to chase after his high school crush and Arnau wants some kind of life experience, Darius spends her time with Kenneth, a man who believes that he has built a time machine.



Might be being a bit harsh with the marking, as I actually really enjoyed it. Some good humour, very watchable. Won't go down as a classic and definitely has many aspects which have been done before, but having watched a lot of total dross recently, this was a pleasant surprise.

Would recommend going into it with as little knowledge as possible - knowing anything about the ending would spoil a lot of what I found good about watching this.

If you put aside that it's a different spin on M.I.B. it's quite a good film and I enjoyed it.

CGI is not bad either. It's worth a watch if you like these style of films.

And also Marisa Miller is sooooooooooo bang tidy, worth watching for that alone!


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