What film did you watch last night?

The new Riddick film, I actually quite liked it. It's more in the vein of Pitch Black than Chronicles of Riddick, also not particularly serious. Sure, there are two bits that don't make sense but one is probably due to a budget cut and the other, well, Machete is well loved and way more daft. I'll get it on DVD and watch again at some point

Coming back from France in what Brittany Ferries laughingly describe as a "Cinema" I caught World War Z - I wish I hadn't as I really loved the book, shame the film was nothing like it :(

There was so many continuity/CGI mistakes through-out and I really struggled to see where the budget was spent. My mate fell asleep during the rooftop escape and only woke during the airliner sequence yet could still follow what was happening LOL.
The Notebook.

Was forced to sit through this testosterone-sapping film. Have to say, it makes a very good case for legalising euthanasia for those suffering from dementia.
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