What film did you watch last night?

End of Watch. Great movie. I liked the way it was shot. I went through stages of liking, then disliking, then liking the characters. Some really good scenes and only a couple of dodgy ones.
Cloud Atlas....just wow! Epic....excellent film/parable. Very engaging, atmospheric tale that im sure will only get better upon multiple viewings... good performances from all the cast.. esp Hugo Weaving . 9/10

I watched it a second time and am changing my rating from 7 to 9. Loved it and will probably watch it again soon.
Well, I made a start on KFZ (also known as Die-ner), and my initial rating is about 3/10.

It looks like it was filmed on an old camcorder.
The effects are fairly laughable, the script is not that great (but then probably better than some big films).

It's the sort of film that I suspect would be fun to watch drunk, or with friends (it's almost so bad it's good).
The Hobbit - Desolation of Smaug. 6.5/10.

My eyes feel like they're going to fall out of their sockets through the sheer number of special effects going on on-screen. Feel a bit knackered by the whole thing.
Film was alright, seemed to be one set piece after another though.

Smaug did look awesome though it has to be said.
Monsters University 6.5/10. I don't what it was about MU but, it just failed to grab my attention, dunno why. :confused:

Despicable Me 2 7.5/10. Much better than MU, some nice little "nods" to various movies along the way ( Alien, Star Wars etc ), and of course the Minions, i can see why there getting there own movie. :p

All in all i found Despicable Me 2 to be more engaging than MU, for what ever thats worth. :D

It was ok, but the thing that spoiled it for me was George Clooney and Sandra Bullock.

If it had some unknown actors I feel that it would have worked better, I cant really explain why other than for me they spoiled the atmosphere of the entire thing.
The Desolation of Smaug - 7.5/10

Decent film, better than the first but by not as much as people have been saying imo. Few plot strands that could have been left out.
Riddick - I am not sure what to make of it but it sure isn't a great movie.

First 20 mins of the movie with just Riddick on the planet felt wrong somehow, it was dying for some proper human to human fighting sequence.

Then the merchs turned up, he didn't hunt them for long at all !

Dodgy CGI, terrible acting from some eastern european accent bloke, and I feel no chemistry between Riddick and Starbuck from BSG.

All in all a very flat movie and doesn't add anything to the mythology of Riddick at all. In fact, it made him more human.

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