What film did you watch last night?

Apocalypto. Very disappointing. Starts well but loses its way after the first half hour. The rest of the movie is just one long, increasingly implausible chase scene! :confused:
Apocalypto. Very disappointing. Starts well but loses its way after the first half hour. The rest of the movie is just one long, increasingly implausible chase scene! :confused:
Mel Gibson thingy? If so, totally agree. Mum and brother watched it on DVD a while ago. I started with it but I just got really bored with it.
The Grudge. Seen it loads of times but it still manages to have an effect on me! Rather good with 5.1 audio too, definitely adds to the atmosphere!

Might watch the sequel tonight...
In the Loop

really enjoyed it.

i give it a good 8/10

I was extremely disappointed with In The Loop. Having watched The Thick Of It multiple times, In The Loop felt really labored and not funny. Think it was the fact most of it was set in the US that made it worse.
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