What film did you watch last night?

2 Jan 2004
The Goonies on bluray and then The Goonies on channel 5+24hrs

I fell asleep but apparently it was uncut version, is it just the octopus that is cut from most versions, always wondered why Data talked about an octopus at the end of the film ( I always presumed it was just his imagination running wild, which I also guess is why they decided to keep that scene in the cut version)


I can't believe I didn't know there was an extended version!?!?! (Like you I just assumed Data was over-embellishing the adventure! - although why would he need to!!)


Quite good, though a somewhat complicated plot was made overly complicated, at least for my tastes (6/10).

No.....just no. Bad film, made my brain itch!
22 Feb 2014
Have been battling through my pile of "unwatched" films recently

Desolation of Smaug 9/10 (found the story interesting and visually the film performed)
Wolf of wall street 9/10 (I know the guy is basicly a massive douche but the film was entertaining and I can't deny not feeling just a tad jealous of the lifestyle he was able to maintain)
Hot Tub time machine 5/10 (not the best lets be honest, I managed not to turn it off half way through though which says something I suppose)
Secret Life of Walter Mity - 7/10 - interesting enough but something seemed to be missing, didn't seem to have enough content story wise
IP Man 8/10, really enjoyed this, the fighting was good and the story kept me interested all the way through :)
Anchorman 2 - 6/10. not a patch on the 1st film to be honest, all the good bits were shown in the trailer (apart from the fight scene)
Pacific Rim - 7/10, decent plot, decent CGI, decent acting, just didn't do a great deal for me, it seemed to be too much done before. meh
Riddick 7/10, not as good as previous Riddick film but better than Pitch Black
World War Z - 8/10, really enjoyed this, loved the idea of crazy fast zombies (probably why I loved 28 days later as well)
Slumdog Millionaire 7.5/10 decent film but I don't understand why it had the hype it had at the time of release. was interesting enough though
The taking of Pelham 123 7/10, John travolta does suit being a bad guy. enjoyed this even if the whole thing was fairly predictable
Hunger Games 7.5/10, film was ok but It's just the same old idea rehashed, for me this was no different to the condemned (Vinny Jones) with just perhaps slightly better acting
9 Aug 2011
Saw The Amazing Spider-Man 2 yesterday, I would give it a 7.5/10. It's a solid sequel and I much prefer these remakes over the Raimi trilogy. Although it does suffer from a rushed third act.
30 Dec 2013
Finally gave in and watched Gravity last night. Predictably George Clooney played george Clooney in space but was saved by the fact that
He got bumped off pretty early and when he reappeared it was a hallucination

Visually excellent, great use of perspectives, scale, tenseness (?) and the feeling of space being generally awesome yet very dangerous. Sandra Bullock really carries the film well and still looks hot in pants and a vest even though the short hair does her no justice. Really impressed with her and pleased that this thing of women over 40 in Hollywood getting thrown on the scrapheap is (far too) slowly disappearing.

I wanted to be a bit "meh..." over it because of the hype but its a film I could go back to a couple more times.
15 Feb 2011

Second film from the guy who made "The Guard". similar in that its an irish black humour film but a lot heavier that the first and a very brave topic to produce a film about let alone with funding from the irish film council.

Brilliant acting by Brendan Gleeson and a few other famous faces (peter baelish from GoT, Dylan Moran, chris o'dowd) and an excellent story although not one for a first date or family viewing really (not graphic just a bit uncomfortable topics)

9.5/10 :D
22 Sep 2008
Amazing Spider Man 2 and Captain America Winter Soldier.

6/10 for both.

I'm done with super hero films now. I've never been a fan of comic book themed films, but they all seem to follow a similar plot. Super human in a human world, meets a girl, mild peril of some sort of monster or creation stomping through a New York City esque landscape, super hero to the rescue, love story with girl reunited, the end.

They are all the SAME. I'm done with them all now, spiderman, superman...whatever else.
8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
Fargo 7/10

GF hadnt seen it so watched it again. I havent seen it in ten+ years + hype from new tv show coming out.

Its a weird little film set in a weird part of America with a few shock ups and downs and then it ends and you think... ok. Based on a collection of stitched together true events.. TBH its average/slow pace but thats part of it.. Kinda clever but.. well if you see it or miss it your life wont change.
12 Jul 2007
Warrior King 2 (aka The Protector 2) - 3/10 - I love the first film, it was the first Thai martial Arts film I'd seen and the first time I'd seen martial arts that actually looked like it genuinely hurt the stuntmen it was that real. No punches pulled, no lightweight kicks, the stuntmen "had" to wear body armour it was that brutal and the stunts were all real, no CGI or HK/Chinese style wire work.

This film however is easily the worst film Tony Jaa has made. There's dodgy CGI everywhere, obvious wire-work and the fights just look like a cheap hollywood c-Movie. Gone is the realness, the power that Tony Jaa had in his earlier films. I'm very disappointed TBH.

Also minus more points for RZA being the main bad guy. He can't act, is pretty poor at fighting and really ruins everything I've seen him in.
15 Feb 2011
Indeed. I've heard bad things about Transcendance, which is a shame as I was looking forwards to that.

Pompeii and Godzilla look pretty decent though, to be released soon.

came out this week > http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2234003/

Calvary review – 'a terrific black comedy that touches greatness'
Brendan Gleeson surpasses himself as a priest threatened with crucifixion in John Michael McDonagh's follow-up to The Guard

Just depends on your tastes, if they are only cgi blockbuster or not.
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