What film did you watch last night?

Edge of Tomorrow

Perfectly timed humour, amazing to look at (not just the special effects ;) ) and isn't padded out with loads of filler.

Most of all I liked it because it didn't let me down, I got what I was expecting from it. Most movies I've got hyped up for over the past year have been somewhat lacking, Elysium springs instantly to mind. Says a lot more about just how well they are marketed over the actual quality of the movies.

Oh, and Tom Cruise doesn't do bad movies.


Top Gun.
Days of Thunder.
Far and Away. To be sure.
War of the Worlds.
Oh come on, most of those films were early on in his career, and aren't half as bad some some stuff that comes out nowadays. Might just be a man crush clouding my judgement.
Top Gun.
Days of Thunder.
Far and Away. To be sure.
War of the Worlds.

Mission Impossible
Mission Impossible 3
Mission Impossible 4
War of the Worlds
The Last Samurai
Minority Report
Vanilla Sky
A Few Good Men
Rain Man

People who say he does terrible films are just stupid, it's just jumping on the 'let's hate Tom Cruise because of Scientology bandwagon'
Mission Impossible
Mission Impossible 3
Mission Impossible 4
War of the Worlds
The Last Samurai
Minority Report
Vanilla Sky
A Few Good Men
Rain Man

People who say he does terrible films are just stupid, it's just jumping on the 'let's hate Tom Cruise because of Scientology bandwagon'

You forgot

Born on the 4th July
Jerry Maguire

Anyway, just saw Edge of Tomorrow, really liked it. Thoroughly enjoyable, good dose of humour in the right places. Got serious when it needed to, good start to the summer of blockbusters.
Mission Impossible
Mission Impossible 3
Mission Impossible 4
War of the Worlds
The Last Samurai
Minority Report
Vanilla Sky
A Few Good Men
Rain Man

People who say he does terrible films are just stupid, it's just jumping on the 'let's hate Tom Cruise because of Scientology bandwagon'

Ah, I seem to have offended you and your man crush so I do apologise. I never said he only does terrible films, I responded to Fusby's claim that Cruise doesn't make bad movies when, by most peoples non man crush standard, he does.

He has made some excellent films, Risky Business, Last Samurai, Rain man to name but a few but he has made some ****.

And whilst I do think his Scientology beliefs are a bit wacko, I don't care about them as some of his films do entertain me and he doesn't appear to be hurting anyone believing what he believes.

I do feel he makes films like the Mission Impossible series as a Tom Cruise Ego Boost as he does superhero type stuff in them without a slither of his tongue in his cheek, but I still enjoyed them anyway.

Once again sorry for offending you in your man crush on Mr Cruise.

BTW, my favourite actor is Denzel Washington and he's made some bad films, I don't kid myself otherwise.
Kick-Ass 2

Not as good as the original, and not happy with some of the changes that were made over the comic, but still a good, violent romp.

Edge of Tomorrow 7/10.

Enjoyable film with a couple of annoyances that knock it down from 8/10 for me.

Considering Tom Cruise's character is a well televised propagandist for the war, saying himself he's personally responsible for 100,000 new soldiers joining up, how come no one at all recognised him when he was dumped at Heathrow?

Also the film suffers from the Devil's Advocate effect where if they had ended it when the day was saved, but the main characters were dead, and not done the Hollywood ending, then I would have rated it higher. Shame really but those 2 things didn't ruin the film for me, just annoyed me a little.
Edge of Tomorrow 7/10.

Enjoyable film with a couple of annoyances that knock it down from 8/10 for me.

Considering Tom Cruise's character is a well televised propagandist for the war, saying himself he's personally responsible for 100,000 new soldiers joining up, how come no one at all recognised him when he was dumped at Heathrow?

Also the film suffers from the Devil's Advocate effect where if they had ended it when the day was saved, but the main characters were dead, and not done the Hollywood ending, then I would have rated it higher. Shame really but those 2 things didn't ruin the film for me, just annoyed me a little.

Valid points ! Especially the first, I'd thought being on TV a lot you'd think someone would go "You are that yank on television!"

and yeah, I thought it could've ended with it without the whole hollywood ending but nevertheless it was a thoroughly enjoyable movie from start to end. It was fun seeing Tom Cruise getting his butt kicked at the start for once! lol
Ah, I seem to have offended you and your man crush so I do apologise.




Do you feel seriously uneasy yet?
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Edge of Tomorrow. Great movie, best of the blockbusters thus far this year.

And I agree Tom Cruise (and his films) gets far too much criticism from people, probably because he is so successful and partially because of his religion. Considering how much effort he puts into being acessible to his fans etc, I think he is doesn't get the credit he is due.
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