What film did you watch last night?

Godzilla 2014 2/10

Comical garbage that makes no sense. Im not sure if it was a Romance between 2 giant moths or the study of an indestructable soldier that is in the right place at the right time all the time. Plz no sequels... I feel like i wasted 120Kr to get in.

X Men Days of Future past. 8/10

I re-watched the first so it was fresh in my mind for the this. I have no idea who most of the comic book characters are except the main ones. Its a good predictable straight forward, story, good action.
I know Peter Dinklage is FOTM but he really added nothing to the film.
Maybe i missed some irony about a dwarf with mutated genes wanting to stamp out mutants?? (was that the joke or did i make that up)
The whole film is great and one humours, unexpected scene alone stole the film for me.
The fast Silver guy in the kitchen :p
Godzilla - I though it was going to be something worth watching after reading some positive comments in few places but this movie was such a waste of time, everything was just rubbish about it.

Watched Return of the Jedi as it was on ITV2 last night. Holds up really well for a 30 year old film, still enjoyed it, ewoks are stupid but made daughter smile. Editing in the "new" Darth Vader ghost at the end is criminal!
...Editing in the "new" Darth Vader ghost at the end is criminal!

I'd be a bit pee'd off if I was the 'Original' Old Anakin actor (Sebastian Shaw) after being there for 20 odd years to be replaced by Hayden Christensen.

Also if I was Jeremy Bulloch, who's not only the guy in the Boba Fett Suit, but He's the original Voice!, only to be dubbed with Temuera Morrison's Voice!
Watched Return of the Jedi as it was on ITV2 last night. Holds up really well for a 30 year old film, still enjoyed it, ewoks are stupid but made daughter smile. Editing in the "new" Darth Vader ghost at the end is criminal!

It really didn't look too good on my new TV, but then it was on ITV2. I am sure the blu ray versions are better.
Edge of Tomorrow 7/10:

Was getting very worried at the start, due to the movies story some parts replay quite a few times at one point, however this cuts down and works really well, fun movie to watch, quite a bit of action.
The Internship - I was expecting this was going to be bad from the off so with low expectations set it didn't disappoint! Had a few moments but its the usual predictable underdog story.

Lone Survivor - I tried to like this but just couldn't, it felt like to much Hollywood going on that took away from the actual story.
If anything it showed the Nazy Seals to be very amateur in there approach (being an amrchair expert and all that :p)
X-Men First Class - 8/10

I had my doubts about this one, especially as it lacked Gandalf and Captain Picard and not to mention it being a prequel... However, McAvoy and Fassbender held my attention on screen and I found myself enjoying it, perhaps even more so than the real X-Men films.

I apologise to the comic book buffs if my opinion is tantamount to Heresy. :D
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