What film did you watch last night?

Collateral is brilliant.

I do have to say that the ending always annoys me. Unless Vincent was sick of it all and had a death wish, there's no way he'd go out in a pretty poor shootout like that.
He was wounded, sure. But he's a clinical pro.

Maybe I need to watch it again...
X-Men: Days of Future Past 8/10

Not really sure whether to rate this a 7 or 8, for me it the ending was a bit more of a going out with a wimper than a bang. But the kitchen scene was for me, quite possibly the best superhero action scene I've ever seen in a film. Just superb.

Watched it last weekend and it brought me to tears.

'Mad' Mads Mikkelsen was brilliant as usual but the big surprise was Annika Wedderkopp, whose talent is simply frightening. The chemistry between them must be seen to be believed.

If you watch carefully you'll see that Klara never blinks throughout the first 20 minutes of the film. Combined with her oddly persistent sniff and blunt, adult-like responses, this gives the eerie impression of a child (or changeling? :eek:) who is older than her years.


Of course she is utterly adorable as well, but that only adds to the tension.

If you want a gut-wrenchingly good drama, watch Jagten right now! I rate it at 25.5 on the Haglee Scale, which works out as a solid 8.5 on IMDB. :cool:
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Edge of Tomorrow

Aside from the simple plot and cheesy lingo i really enjoyed it, effects and action were amazing and also quite funny in places. Well worth a watch if you like your Sci-Fi.
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