after a few OK reviews here thought I'd give it a go. I think I must have found another Tom Cruise film called Oblivion as the one I started to watch was utterly dull. The English actress is awful, Tom Cruise is OK but does nothing and how they can live in a house above the clouds and go swimming in the outdoor pool without freezing to death is just daft.
Gave up after an hour, paced far too slow and no real feeling if tension or wanting to see what happens next
after a few OK reviews here thought I'd give it a go. I think I must have found another Tom Cruise film called Oblivion as the one I started to watch was utterly dull. The English actress is awful, Tom Cruise is OK but does nothing and how they can live in a house above the clouds and go swimming in the outdoor pool without freezing to death is just daft.
Gave up after an hour, paced far too slow and no real feeling if tension or wanting to see what happens next