What film did you watch last night?

after a few OK reviews here thought I'd give it a go. I think I must have found another Tom Cruise film called Oblivion as the one I started to watch was utterly dull. The English actress is awful, Tom Cruise is OK but does nothing and how they can live in a house above the clouds and go swimming in the outdoor pool without freezing to death is just daft.
Gave up after an hour, paced far too slow and no real feeling if tension or wanting to see what happens next
Robocop (2014) 6/10

What the hell? They spent over an hour building him, training him and talking to him and then 10minutes of him actually doing anything... Terrible. I'd watch another though, I wanted more of him with his son and being the bad ass robocop I know!

Red Lights (2012) 7/10
Not a bad film, I like this kind of paranormal films and the mystery behind it, the film didnt do to bad.
How did Sigourney die? and I twigged with the ending as soon as Cillian Murphy entered the arena, nicely done though)

What to watch next?
City of God 6/10

Maybe it's because I was hungover but this film just didn't seem all that? I was expecting it to turn into something amazing but actually turned if off. Perhaps I'll try again one day...whilst sober.
Tucker and Dale vs Evil

2 hillbillys, a cabin in the woods, the college kids on holiday, misconceptions of the hillbillys and a bit of gore mixed in with a few laughs. Silly and funny in parts for 90 minutes. Sort of like Shawn Of The Dead ish but not if you know what I mean. I liked it but felt like watching something a bit daft

This, last night.
Agree 100% with Flopsy's review really.
It's no Cabin In The Woods in terms of taking the genre to new levels but a few lols and good fun.
Anaconda:The hunt for the blood orchid

Good god! How these people get paid thousands for their non existent acting skills is totally beyond my comprehension.

The first Anaconda with Jon Voight was passable. They should have stopped there.

Also, since when have Anacondas lived in Borneo ffs!
A Million Ways to Die in the West - 7/10 - A typical Seth MacFarlane comedy so you know prior to viewing what sort of film you're going to watch. Very funny for the most part with some very good chemistry between Seth and Charlize Theron (or she's the greatest actor I've ever seen) but the plot was a bit stale, however, being a comedy lets it get away with that.
Tucker and Dale vs Evil

2 hillbillys, a cabin in the woods, the college kids on holiday, misconceptions of the hillbillys and a bit of gore mixed in with a few laughs. Silly and funny in parts for 90 minutes. Sort of like Shawn Of The Dead ish but not if you know what I mean. I liked it but felt like watching something a bit daft

The bit with the woodchipper and everything else that occurs in that time frame had me in stitches. Seriously funny stuff :)
A Million Ways to Die in the West - 7/10 - A typical Seth MacFarlane comedy so you know prior to viewing what sort of film you're going to watch. Very funny for the most part with some very good chemistry between Seth and Charlize Theron (or she's the greatest actor I've ever seen) but the plot was a bit stale, however, being a comedy lets it get away with that.

5/10, I started to get bored towards the end. Few funny moments but that couldn't save the dull plot.
Two for me:-

Inside Llewyn Davis - Coens not at their best for me. Whilst I enjoyed it and it had a Coen feel I kept expecting more, also I don't really like folk music! 3/5

Captain Phillips - Tom Hanks was amazing, the scene with the nurse was moving to say the least! I didn't remember the story in the news (didn't even know it was based on a true story) and found the whole film gripping. 5/5
Just finished Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. Complete waste of time. Just didn't click with me at all. I like Pine and Costner but all I thought the whole time was This Means War was a better spy movie than this.
Die Hard Movies over the last few days. 1-3 all brilliant, love me some Bruce Willis.

4 was ok I guess, 5 not so good.

Think ill check out Lethal Weapon trilogy next, haven't seen them in donkees.
Edge of Tomorrow. 8.5/10

Was really good until the end.. then it kinda went a bit over derp.

Funny in places and cool effects too. Next COD game is right there.....
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