What film did you watch last night?

I watched a couple of stinkers over the last week.

First up was "Stranded" with Christian Slater, which felt like someone had taken one of the rejected Aliens 4 scripts and adapted it to work on a very tight budget.

Then I watched "Sharktopus" which was terrible, it was almost as bad as the time I accidentally turned over to one of the film channels and caught one of the Twiglet films with that woman who can't do facial expressions, except Sharktopus had someone who could act.
It was as if I was watching a 60's B movie with cheap CGI instead of some guy in a rubber suit.

To take the taste of bad B movie sci-fi out of my mouth I watched "Ice Harvest" last night which I think I'd give about an 6 or 7/10.
Basically John Cusack as a dodgy lawyer trying to steal money from his boss, with a couple of twists and a few funny bits.
Two for me:-

Captain Phillips - Tom Hanks was amazing, the scene with the nurse was moving to say the least! I didn't remember the story in the news (didn't even know it was based on a true story) and found the whole film gripping. 5/5

Loved it, I'm a huge Hanks fan and he excelled with this movie. On the same subject matter another movie worth seeking out is 'A Hijacking' :-


Brilliant modern piracy flick, told in a slightly different way but I found it absolutely riveting, the tension was immense.
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

Just never gelled well together. Just couldn't get into it at all

Okay but much better spy films to be seen.



Wow, just wow. What a load of garbage. Story line poor, pot holes utterly ridiculous, characters ... just dumb.

A stinker of a film.

Loved it, I'm a huge Hanks fan and he excelled with this movie. On the same subject matter another movie worth seeking out is 'A Hijacking' :-


Brilliant modern piracy flick, told in a slightly different way but I found it absolutely riveting, the tension was immense.

Also avaliable on Netflix. I'll give that a watch tomorrow, thanks :)
Die Hard Movies over the last few days. 1-3 all brilliant, love me some Bruce Willis.

4 was ok I guess, 5 not so good.

I don't know why but Die Hard 3 is my favourite.

Hot town, summer in the city
Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty
Been down, isn't it a pity
Doesn't seem to be a shadow in the city


As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives. Every wife had seven sacks, Every sack had seven cats, Every cat had seven kittens. Kittens, cats, sacks, wives, How many were going to St. Ives?

It was such a lovely sunny 90s movie. :D

Think ill check out Lethal Weapon trilogy next, haven't seen them in donkees.

Saxophones baby!

Also avaliable on Netflix. I'll give that a watch tomorrow, thanks :)

Well worth seeking out. Couple of things which aren't spoilers at all but are interesting to know before watching are:-

Gary Skjoldmose Porter who plays the professional hostage negotiator isn't an actor. He is actually a hostage negotiator for a Danish shipping firm who has handled situations exactly like the film portrays, in real life.

The MV Rozen, the ship they used to film on, was hijacked for real in 2007.

The sailors engaged to play crew members had themselves been hostages in a real-life hijacking of a different vessel only a year before the director, Tobias Lindholm, began making his film.

The weapons used in the movie were authentic weapons used by pirates in previous hijackings. They were leased from the Kenyan police who had confiscated them from captured Somali pirates.
22 Jump Street 9/10

So I went to see 22 Jump Street and from everything seen prior to the films release I knew what to expect...more of the same, bad thing? In this case certainly not!

From the outset they call themselves out on doing a sequel to the reboot and from then on forward it remains consistently funny and entertaining all the way through the end credits, the end credits in themselves are hilarious.

Had to give it a 9 because this is the first film in a long time that's had me buckled over in laughter with genuine tears shed...especially in one particular scene with Ice Cube.

If you enjoyed the first one you won't be disappointed with the sequel.
300 Rise of an empire.

More of the same except less art direction than the first movie. I liked it over all and the fight scenes were gory and plentiful.

Worth a 7/10.
Edge of Tomorrow. 8.5/10

Was really good until the end.. then it kinda went a bit over derp.

Funny in places and cool effects too. Next COD game is right there.....

Saw it yesterday, same score from me 8.5/10 and pretty much same comments bar the ending which I didn't mind at all even if it was a little derp! ;)
A Million ways to die in the west - 6/10

It was ok, not gut bustingly funny, but ok. Wasn't as good as Ted but there were a few laughs here and there. I did feel that it dragged on toward the end. Loved Neil Patrick Harris character and the way he did the "hmmmm" after making a joke. Trouble was that every time Seth spoke all I heard was Brian from Family Guy. The whole elongated rant in the bar about how dangerous the west was , was pure Brian :)
Robocop reboot in 1080p

I really enjoyed it despite expecting more to happen. It seemed a little flat with not that much action. Would love to have seen the suite do more in the film!!

There are certainly worse ways to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon...I loved it, the kids loved it.

My only gripe was Sharlto Copley....his Scottish accent was absolutely shocking, he added nothing to this film whatsoever.

A solid 8/10 from me.
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