What film did you watch last night?

Maidentrip (2013)



Born on a boat and raised in shipyards, Laura Dekker grew up with one dream: to sail around the world alone. At thirteen, her daring plot sparked resistance from Dutch authorities and a global storm of media scrutiny. A year later, she won the right to set sail. Now, far from land, family, and unwanted attention, Laura spends her pivotal teenage years exploring the world alone in search of freedom, adventure, and lost childhood dreams. Jillian Schlesinger's debut feature amplifies Laura's brave, defiant voice through a mix of Laura's own video and voice recordings at sea and intimate vérité footage from locations including the Galapagos Islands, French Polynesia, Australia, and South Africa.

Fantastic documentary, highly recommended 8.8/10
Warrior - 9.5/10

Great film with realistic mma (both actors went through months of training/dieting with professional fighters), some reviews found the storyline a little lacking but I really enjoyed it, would definitely recommend!
Robocop (2014) - Such a wasted opportunity. Great opening then it just congealed for the rest of the viewing time. ED209 not scary enough. 4/10

Bad Words - I'd watch the test card if Jason Bateman was in it and this is his directorial debut. Extremely foul-mouthed and funny with an ok plot and a great cast. 8/10.
Transformers 4 - 4/10 - The editing, script and acting are so poor I actually considered leaving at one point. I tried my best to "switch my brain off and enjoy" like I have for the other films but the terrible editing kept bringing my brains logic parts alive with screaming mistakes. Easily the worst one one of the series for me although the visual effects, yet again, were phenomenal and earned it a higher rating than it deserved. I'm sure it'll make lots of money though and the ADHD generation will love all the constant noise and rapid editing but sadly it just wasn't for me.
Horror night:


This was the first Horror movie I can remember watching as a kid. Freaked me the hell out. It still does!!


Compared to "Demons", this is probably more of a comedy, but I still enjoy watching it every now and then.

It gets a lot of stick, but it's much better than the later Friday films.
Transformers 4

8/10 for the popcorn action flick genre.

Yes it won't win any awards but my god did I enjoy it. Yes it has it's faults but it's bloody awesome! My boys were gob smacked all the way through it.
Transcendence 7/10
I watched it without seeing the trailer which apparently spoils the plot a lot.

It's getting a lot of hate because no side is presented as the bad guys and it's up to the viewer to form there own opinion which seems to leave a lot of people confused... but you're not supposed to know whether the intelligence is evil or not until the very end it's how the director wanted it to be

Randomly saw this, it was going alright until it did the whole "AI can exist 'in the wires'" thing (satellite uplink bit) and it was all downhill from there. Potentially could have been a very good movie - was a bit surprised as they got a lot right technically or atleast close enough to be believable as a possibility in the opening bits of the movie then they completely put their foot in it.
Monuments Men Blu ray.

I am over an hour in, nothings happened, I thought it was meant to be a comedy. Definitely epic fail on research front, this is the last time for while I randomly buy a film that I think looks good.

No rating, it's failed my fifteen minute rule four times, the only reason I have not turned it off?

My partner wants to watch the rest as my alternative was Dark Knight Rises,.
The Hunt - Danish drama with Mads Mikkelsen (Casino Royal and Hannibal TV) about a nursery worker accused of abusing one of the kids. I had no idea what this film was about, picked it up due to it being 124 on the IMDb's Top 250, it had me gripped, one of those that really drew me in and kept me tense for the duration. It was in Danish which would put a few off but I would recommend highly. 5/5
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