What film did you watch last night?

Short Term 12 (2013)



At a foster-care facility for at-risk teenagers, Grace is a young counselor trying to do her best for kids who often have been pulled from the worst kinds of home situations. Even then, life is not easy as Grace and her colleagues care for kids who are too often profoundly scarred, even as they try to have lives of their own. Now, things are coming to a head as Grace readies for marriage even as some her charges are coming to major turning points in their lives. To cope, Grace will have to make difficult perceptions and decisions that could put her career, and more importantly her charges, at dire risk.

Just finished watching this great little film, powerful film with great acting and fantastic character development. Well worthy of it's numerous awards imho 8.5/10
Frank - (erm...) 4/10

Not sure what was going on!, Very Surreal, Only managed about half an hour!!! probly not helped by the face I was watching in on the Plane home yesterday and there was a child screaming at the top of his lungs for about 20 minutes...
Finally got round to watching End of Watch and while it was an unusual take on the LA cop genre there really didn't seem to be much of a storyline!?!?!

Things really only got going about half an hour from the end but the most bemusing part was the flashback right at the very end with the two of them talking in the car that, and correct me if I'm wrong, had literally zero point to it!?!?!? :confused:

Decent watchable film I guess but could have been so much better imo!

Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2.

Used to think this was a load of garbage and 1/10 but after watching a small documentary on YT about what the director originally wanted to release and how the studio ruined it, i'm tempted to give it a 7.
Glory Road 6/10

Basketball film about the 1966 Texas Western mens college basketball team and the decision by the new coach to hire black players.

Lots of controversy/racial trouble but they persevered to win the NCAA championship - despite the early and mid film content it was a nice feel good finish :D
I'm lying on the sofa most nights crocked after knee surgery so doing a bit of channel hopping. I've watched Tron Legacy a couple of times in the past week. Great movie. Went to the local IMAX to see it in 3D when it was first released and recall physically ducking in my seat when one of the first discs were thrown. Seemed to come right out of the screen! :D

Utter dross, Let's pretend I believe in the bible and all that, or watch it like a science fiction, even then, the film went on far too long, you can see every twist coming.

Visually it looks great but bad movie.

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