What film did you watch last night?

Blade Runner. The original Director's Cut. As opposed to the later Director's Cut. Or the "I promise I won't fiddle any more" Director's Cut. Or the "How much more money can we milk out of this" Director's Cut.

I watched a documentary a couple of nights ago (it looks like it was made about ten years after the film) about the making and it put me in the mood to watch again. It's interesting to see how badly some stuff has aged: it really was a film of the 1980s. The tech suffered worst. But it was also musing to see that it was set in 2017 or so, so actually it stepped forward too far in every other instance except the computers (which were still mostly text-only).

But what struck me most was how bad Harrison Ford was in it. The rest of the cast did OK, and even the newcomers were good. But Ford seemed to be phoning in a performance, consisting of mostly grimaces, while he wished he was somewhere else. The very Mannered direction certainly didn't help.

Script-wise, as is so often the case in SF films the stupid stuff got all the air time, whilst the handful of intelligent ideas got five seconds. When the filmed the book, the least important bit of the book (the hunt) became the main part of the film, whilst the heart of the book (what makes us human) was a minor plot point, easily missed. If this is "one of the best" SF films ever made, it's only because the rest are so bad. Against proper good films it's a 6.
In Time 8/10 - I found the film interesting because you earnt Time instead of money , a coffee cost you 4mins and once you are out of time you died

The Avengers 9/10 - I know a lot of people don't like this film but I found I was glued to the screen , a lot of action with a few comedy scense that I enjoyed
Saving Mr Banks on Dutch Netflix. Decent feel good film made me want to watch Mary Poppins again, until they showed some of the Dick van Dyke scenes at the end of the film.
Just got back from The Riot Club, really good up until the last 15 minutes, ended way too abruptly. I haven't felt so tense and angry during certain scenes since I watched Eden Lake. I've known similar "posh" people with the same attitudes in this movie and it's really annoys me, most are just lucky to have been born into wealth. 7/10
Under the skin...will just echo what I posted on FB straight afterwards...

What a load of pretentious arty nonsense, all style, zero substance. If this didn't star Scarlett Johannsen I imagine no one would really care about it. I want my 2 hours back.

I have a high tolerance for films that try to do something different, this was just dull nonsense and a chance to glance at SJ naked body which frankly is nothing special with the clothes off, she looks better with them on. The last 5 minutes picked up slightly therefore it earns 2 points for a 2 out of 10.

I tried to watch that 3 times, not got past 35min mark yet, but it felt like at least an hour!
This Is The End

Amusing enough, but all the best stuff is right at the beginning.


In Time

Really enjoyed this, even if the ending was a bit naff. First time I've found Amanda Seyfried hot.

Edge of tomorrow

9/10 - really enjoyed it. Best sci fi flick I've seen in a while.

On that note completely stuffed up with a cold in bed looking for s good film to watch. Any suggestions?
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