What film did you watch last night?

Prisoners 8.0/10

I have to agree with Rotten Tomatoes concencus:

Prisoners has an emotional complexity and a sense of dread that makes for absorbing (and disturbing) viewing.

I would have scored it higher had they got someone like Denzel Washington to play Franklin Birch, I didn't connect with Terrance Howard nor did I think he played his role well. Uncomfortable viewing yet gripping solid film though.

I kind of agree with Franklin but Denzel would have been terrible in that role
I have seen this film more times in the past 10 years than any other movie.

I can't put my finger on it, the plot is weak, nothing much happens but the chemistry between them is just oh so amazing. The lights of Tokyo, the music soundtrack all blends in beautifully together.

Their eyes in the karaoke scene are phenomenal. And yeah, they are really natural together, and the relationship is really well done. It's very effective, because it's such a weird thing for them to be having this illicit affair, which is never even consummated so far as we know, and it's almost a Lolita thing in a way, or is it a father/daughter thing... And then when he actually does sleep with the singer she's upset and we're upset because he's betrayed SJ, rather than because he's pretty much been betraying his wife the whole way through... I like the idea of it being about being lost in a world you don't really understand and having to try to find anyone in that world that you can relate to. I don't think I'd say that the plot is weak as such. It's minimal, but I think it's entirely plausible. I'm sure plenty of people have affairs of varying degrees when they're on the other side of the world. But yeah, stylistically it is really good, and there's some beautiful shots in there.
Prisoners 8.0/10

I dont like long movies. In fact I hate them.
But this one had me hooked and unlike Batman (Dark Knight), which had me clock watching, I never once looked at the clock while watching Prisoners.

And like the post above, I too, never guessed who the bad guy was.
As soon as I saw the review of Clue I was going to post about Murder by Death


Not sure how it's aged but I thought it was great 30 yrs ago! :p

Holds up brilliantly imo. Peter falk is perfect in it. Pretty much everything he says and does is hilarious. One of my favourite characters ever. I watched it again last night after the post about clue.
Wish I Was Here 7.5/10.

A very enjoyable film, funny in places and well worth a watch.

Tomorrow im going to see Gone Girl and from what's been said in this thread, I'm very much looking forward to it.
Gone Girl
Dull dull dull. 4/10

I hadn't read the book so didn't know what was going to happen, but within 10 minutes it was blatantly obvious what hadn't happened.
It was silly the way they glossed over her cover story about being held captive. Where was he massive head wound from being attacked? She said he took her from her house to the lodge in the woods. With the huge amount of cameras there, where was the video footage of her during the time she was actually in the motel/trailer park place? Did she delete the blank footage of when she wasn't there, and the footage of when she arrived in the car and was there but walking about freely, and only leave the tiny bit of footage of when she threw herself against the window to simulate being attacked?

Ben's character was followed to his dads house and the police where inside within 30 seconds of the alarm going off. They saw he was on the phone when they arrived but somehow thought he'd had the time to go down to the basement and try to burn the diary? It didn't burn, he knew what was in it, but he didn't go back to finish the job before they went back to find it? The police said it didn't burn because they interrupted him, but he was on the phone when they came in. Are we to believe that in that old house, the alarm system is linked to the burner in the basement to cut it off when the alarm goes off?

Her disguise of a slight hair colour change and cutting about 3 inches off it seemed to fool everyone, even those watching the TV with her on it.

Already been mentioned about her leaving the hospital as she did.

There were just some really silly bits in it
Over the last week:


Two of the greatest movies ever. I find it difficult to choose one over the other.

Both are
out of 5.


"Die Säge des Todes" 1981

"Girls are killed at a language-school in Spain."

A bit of a stinker. At least the English dubbing is pretty humerous..

out of 5
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