What film did you watch last night?

Escape Plan 5.0/10

Just average and Arnold using the same old cliches with an added twist doesn't make the film any better. Probably good for adding to soundboard for using on Team Speak. I found 'Fortress' (Christopher Lambert's) old film much better.
Third Person, thought it was an ok drama. - Not something I watch all the time but thought some of the different story angles worked well

The missus wanted to go see Annabelle, being a big woman myself I almost pure **** myself at the cinema. But I did the mandatory "that wasn't too scary" while my heart was pounding.

After having half a dozen dreams about the doll last night (dam you childs play) I have decided not to watch it again lol.

Almost forgot the rating

8 out of 10, just for the scare factor

Watched this whilst finishing off my bottle of Balvenie.

LOVED IT! And that is even though I had skimmed the wiki (really wish I hadn't).

Can only imagine how cool it must be if you go in to watching it having no idea what it is about. :D


Watched this whilst finishing off my bottle of Balvenie.

LOVED IT! And that is even though I had skimmed the wiki (really wish I hadn't).

Can only imagine how cool it must be if you go in to watching it having no idea what it is about. :D


I watched this last night as well, really enjoyed it!

8/10 from me
Rush - Absolutely gripping drama based on the rivalry between Nikki Lauder and James Hunt in the 1976 Formula One season. I was so impressed by the difference in the two characters, both supremely talented, one a playboy who just winged it all and one a dedicated analyst of the whole sport. I am not into motor racing but I was gripped, the race scenes were very well done and the tension build up was expertly done by Ron Howard. Oh and Natalie Dormer... 5/5
Over the last week:


Two of the greatest movies ever. I find it difficult to choose one over the other.
Up until a few years ago I always favoured Aliens but as I've gotten older I've found myself favouring Alien simply because I feel it's aged better and has less flaws.
Oh what. Alien is the best. Although aliens is only just behind. I love what they did though. Rather than just rehash the first one, they showed us a totally different side with all out action. More film series should do this. It tells a far better story than most rehashed sequels.

"Lacking consciences because they were born during a solar eclipse, a trio of 10-year-olds embark on an indiscriminate killing spree."

out of 5
I've seen most of these abduction films to date now and this one is slightly different in that you get to see quite a bit of gore and Alien/environment. The sound effects are rather good in this as are the special effects. The acting I thought was average but mostly due to the poor dialogue between the cast. the writers were probably amateurs or something.

Anyway, I thought it deserved a6.5 at least because like I said, it was quite interesting and entertaining, even if I wanted to slap some of the characters square across the chops for being silly.

Never heard of this until the other day, British film with a lot of cursing. Montana is a kid who fell into the wrong path (drug trafficking) and things take a turn for the worst. Lots of gun action but I felt the main villain didn't really have a villain presence about him and one of my group said "he looks like a teddy bear xD" - Heh.

I'd give it a 7.
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