What film did you watch last night?

Up until a few years ago I always favoured Aliens but as I've gotten older I've found myself favouring Alien simply because I feel it's aged better and has less flaws.

I've had the opinion that Alien is the better film for quite a long time now. Not sure at what point I decided it was a better film than Aliens. I probably favoured Aliens in my teens, because it was all gung-ho action, but that was many years ago now.

I still love Aliens, but it is essentially an American action film set in space, whereas Alien feels like a proper sci-fi film, that just happened to have some American's in it.

I agree with Glaucus: Cameron deserves a lot of credit for what he did with Aliens. The totally different approach was a great idea, rather than just trying to recreate Alien, like they would have done in more recent years.
Aliens is the Vietnam war in space, Cameron has said as much. It is excellent, but it is an excellent action film among excellent action films. Alien is an excellent horror film, of which there are far fewer.
I've just finished watching a film called Triangle.

This is one of the best films I've ever seen! It was ******* brilliant, a complete mind **** without being OTT.

All I can explain is that 4 people are on a boat trip, weather conditions strand them at sea and then another vessel picks them up.
I can't say anymore otherwise I'd ruin it.

Seriously if you can watch it, I was on the edge of my seat for every single minute

God, that was difficult to watch, good film but very uncomfortable!

I guess Jackman is corpse then...?

I watched this on release to BR after everyone was commenting on how uncomfortable/wtf it was but I didn't think much of it. Maybe I'm too used to watching far far worse scenes in movies or whatever but it was just another torture scene to me.

Regardless of that, the film was great though.
Castaway on BBC 2 HD

Great movie:)

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves on Channel 5 for me. It's like a pantomime, it really is. Everyone's acting is way over the top. The score is relentless. It's got a brilliant finale setpiece, but overall it is just stupid.

Still, Marian looks lovely, so it's not all bad.

This was the extended cut, which basically means there's an extra 12 minutes of extra swearing, background subplot guff about the sheriff and crap scenes that disrupt the flow of the film. Another victory for the editors.

Anyway, Castaway FACT. Per wikipedia, all the items he finds in the packages were chosen by the producers on the basis that they would be utterly useless to a man stuck on a desert island. Survival experts then considered how the items may in fact turn out to be super useful, and hence all the stuff he does in the film with his videotapes and ice skates and whatnot.
Edge of Tomorrow - Starship Troopers meets Groundhog Day meets The Matrix Revolutions - Loved every minute of it.

An easy 9/10
Good movie day yesterday...afternoon in the cinema watching Gone Girl, definitely not one of Finchers best movies but still very good. So glad I hadn't read the book first as it would have definitely blunted the impact of the film. 8/10

Followed by Edge Of Tomorrowon BR in the evening...Cruise rarely makes a bad film these days. The time loop stuff was handled very well up until that ending in which they seemed to throw the rulebook out of the window. Despite the ending, a really enjoyable film with some excellent action and effects, again 8/10.
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