What film did you watch last night?

Wow I didn't expect that ending to Ex Machina. I already had an expectation but then it flipped on me!

Great film, perhaps even a glimpse into our own eventful future...
Yes, the ending is absolutely superb

and raises a lot of questions about how do you truely know something is sentient or just a clever simulation or indeed, actually is sentient and just playing you!
Empire Strikes Back & Return of the Jedi - 9/10

Both awesome movies and you can see how it got the following it did. My only problem with this trilogy is I feel it could do with more big city areas like Sky City. I know they're rebels and they don't want to get seen as much but it would still be a nice change from the desolate environments most of the films take place in. Maybe that's just me though.

Still think the acting is questionable though for the most part :p.
I can only deduce from your comments that you were not born when these films originally were made and released over 30 years ago. There were no computer special effects in those days, everything was done using physical models, motion tracking, compositing etc. The only option for big city areas would be to physically build the set or the models. It's one of the reasons that George Lucas keeps going back and tinkering with the damn things now we have CGI.

By the time Episode 1 came out, then the capability to create the CGI effects for Coruscant was possible.
I can only deduce from your comments that you were not born when these films originally were made and released over 30 years ago. There were no computer special effects in those days. The only option for big city areas would be to physically build the set or the models. It's one of the reasons that George Lucas keeps going back and tinkering with the damn things!

By the time Episode 1 came out, then the capability to create the CGI effects for Coruscant was possible.

Fully understand that, and I know that the outside areas of Sky City were added in later, it's just what I think would have improved it for me personally (if it were possible) :).

What I said above doesn't mean I want him to keep changing them either :p!
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I'm old enough to have seen them at the local Cinema and played with the toys when I was knee high. What I'd really like is a cleaned up and restored HD version of the original trilogy as released at the cinema. If I need an original Star Wars fix I'm restricted to a massively letterboxed version they added as a DVD special feature or the THX VHS release.
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I can only deduce from your comments that you were not born when these films originally were made and released over 30 years ago. There were no computer special effects in those days, everything was done using physical models, motion tracking, compositing etc. The only option for big city areas would be to physically build the set or the models. It's one of the reasons that George Lucas keeps going back and tinkering with the damn things now we have CGI.

By the time Episode 1 came out, then the capability to create the CGI effects for Coruscant was possible.

Blade Runner managed it at around the same time, but fair point that it would have been a huge amount of effort.
Blade Runner managed it at around the same time, but fair point that it would have been a huge amount of effort.

.... and money.

It was a ground breaking film at the time and made for $11m, which is about $40m adjusted to current prices. What could you make for $40m nowadays? Last film I saw was the latest Avengers. That cost $280m.
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Cast Away - havn't seen it for years think i was around 12-13 when i watched it with my parents. The only part i could remember was the volleyball with the bloody hand print on it.

The part that ill remember from now on is the dental DIY ice skate in mouth.

Not everyoneas cup of tea i know but really enjoyed watching it again.
Chappie, pretty much wondering how a few people are ranking it quite highly, 6.9 on the previous page despite calling it disappointing.

Where to start, almost no one in it can act, the few that can didn't bother in the slightest. Between the utter lack of logic, the woeful dialogue and the absolutely awful attempts to be funny (like Chappie talking 'gangsta'), to the embarrassing forced emotional links between Chappie and several of the leads(they suddenly love and care for him out of absolutely nowhere), it was just a complete failure on all levels except CGI.

So many massive plot holes, even more just flat out mistakes in terms of writing.

There was actually a part right after he was kidnapped, basically turning the robot on where he demanded to be allowed to come back every day to teach the robot..... this was at a point where they had just threatened to cut his feet off. They hadn't agreed to let him go, so him assuming he was being let go and could come back was just literally horrific writing. It was the writer knowing they were going to let him go in the future, but adding that into the characters dialogue before he knew he was going to be released. That isn't a plot hole as much as it's just a writing failure.

In this situation, criminals attempting to take control of a robot and threatening to kill you, you assume they are going to kill you, not let you go. You say you'll enable the robot if they let you go, something along those lines. So so so poorly written.

That ignores the issue of, why let him go, why wouldn't he call the cops, have them all killed, take the robot back... regardless of what minor trouble he would be in, it was nothing compared to leaving the guardkey with known criminals.

Hell if he wanted to teach the thing why would he want to leave? He's willing to come back there and not tell the authorities but he's willing to leave and let a bunch of gangsters teach it to be a criminal.

Everything about it was just embarrassingly stupid. $50mil spent so poorly, Couple less scenes with the robot, 5mil saved and put that into the script and hiring a better cast and it could have been so much better.

IMDB rating of 7.2 had me wondering wtf was wrong with people, the Rotten Tomatoes 30% or so made a hell of a lot more sense.

The CGI was fine, but utterly wasted, the case was mostly awful with a couple of good/great actors who were entirely wasted.

2/10 for the cgi and nothing else.
.... and money.

It was a ground breaking film at the time and made for $11m, which is about $40m adjusted to current prices. What could you make for $40m nowadays? Last film I saw was the latest Avengers. That cost $280m.

But times have changed, the amount spent on advertising is phenomenal, not to mention how much these so called actors expect to get paid.
Fire in the Blood (2013)



An intricate tale of "medicine, monopoly and malice", FIRE IN THE BLOOD tells the story of how Western pharmaceutical companies and governments blocked access to low-cost AIDS drugs for the countries of the global south in the years after 1996 - causing ten million or more unnecessary deaths - and the improbable group of people who decided to fight back. Shot on four continents and including contributions from global figures such as Bill Clinton, Desmond Tutu and Joseph Stiglitz, FIRE IN THE BLOOD is the never-before-told true story of the remarkable coalition which came together to stop 'the crime of the century' and save millions of lives in the process.

Great documentary which shows the lengths some big pharma will go to protect the bottom line. Utterly soul-destroying :(

Must see documentary!

Your Father's Murderer: A Letter to Zachary (2008)



A filmmaker decides to memorialize a murdered friend when his friend's ex-girlfriend announces she is expecting his son.

One of the most tragic and touching documentaries I have seen to date, you'll be blown away!

Highly recommended
But times have changed, the amount spent on advertising is phenomenal, not to mention how much these so called actors expect to get paid.

Actors wages - fair enough. Given the ensemble cast in the Avengers it's was probably a poor example. That and the only known name in Star Wars was Alec Guinness who I think got standard rates plus a profit share ... which turned out to be quite lucrative I expect.

Are advertising costs are included in the stated budget? I was under the impression it covered source material, pre-production and production costs only. Wouldn't marketing costs be down to the distributor once it's made?
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