What film did you watch last night?

The Descent Part 2, was very average 4.5/10. Seemed to lack the tension the first one had.

Just finished watching this myself, as a big fan of the original I made a lot of allowances for this film I probably wouldn't for any other. i enjoyed it over all but it had none of the suspense of the first, I guess because we pretty much had seen it all before.

Apparently the Latino woman women cast as the female police officer signed a two film contract, so we should be seeing The Descent part 3 at some point, lets hope they do a better job of that one.

As always though the book > the film.
The BFG with my sons (I'd never seen it before), did nothing for me at all but it gets a bonus mark for making my youngest laugh so hard during the flying fart scene. 2/5.
Alien 3, Was just something to watch have seen the others again recently so decided to watch this again too not as good as the first two but still watchable
3 Idiots

I don't watch as many Bollywood films as my friends (maybe cos most are really crap) but I really enjoyed this. Reminded me of Dead Poets Society so if you like that then you'll like this.

Meh, I thought it was great. At first, the reverse chronology was superb, but it got tiresome about halfway through and by the end I wasn't feeling it. I understand its a key feature and parts of the narrative couldn't work without it but still... I'll rate Nolan highly for it but I can't say I was super-duper impressed.

The Fourth Kind

I do not recommend it as I stopped watching it with 15 minutes to go until the end because I don't care what happens. The whole film is just about screaming, and no real substance other than the fear of what is out there and that suspense isn't stacked securely to start with from the offset of this film.

What got on my nerves more than the annoying un-lifelike characters not caring for their children until it really mattered or the poor acting quality of Elias Koteas was having to watch this very annoying 'real life' documented amateur video running parallel to the story... I can't stress how annoying I found this. Flicking back and forth and the screen splitting like I was watching an episode of 24... to what effect? None! It makes the film seem like what we are watching isn't real with the actors Milla Jovovich and Elias Koteas. It seriously doesn't work, I can see why it was done to try and build fear as many other horror films have successfully done in the past by the use of raw home video camera footage. But for this film it takes away the little part of the film which could have been decent and kills all the suspense instantly. We see some woman being interviewed about the whole thing and it is supposed to shock us or scare us?

One of the worst horrors/scifis i've seen in a while.

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Its a work of genius.
Think the disjointed nature you mention is highly intentional though.

Yes, and it's an excellent device that works very well, but it is done in a way which makes the movie a little more confusing than it really needs to be. My wife and I had to re-watch several parts to make sure that we understood them.
Had a bit of a film splurge this weekend:

Doubt - the positive mutterings in here, combined with it starring the mighty PSH, meant that I simply had to watch this one. It didn't disappoint: Hoffman and Streep in top form, duelling actors in strong roles.

It looked gorgeous, too: another Roger Deakins photography masterclass, all earthy aquas and sumptuous browns. Watch the scene in the tool shed again if you can - note how everything from the shed doors to the watering cans to the nun's wimples have the same aquatic hue. Sublime.

Capitalism: A Love Story - Yeah, it's another Michael Moore film, so expect narcissism and compelling documentary in equal measure. And d'you know what? I think this might be his best film. There's less of a smell of whackjob conspiracy paranoia to this one, which is about the fundamental flaws in the US's chosen economy.

One particular information reveal - about the terms of the Goldman-Sachs banking buyout - almost beggars belief. Worth it for that alone.

A Serious Man - The Oscar-nominated Coen Brothers' latest about a Jewish physics teacher whose life falls apart around him. It's a dark, dark comedy, rich in multilayered symbolism that is as frustrating to watch - due to the protagonist's reactions to circumstance - as it is beautiful to look at [Yup, Roger Deakins again].

Won't be everyone's cup of tea, but there's no denying it's worthy of its Oscar nomination.

So yeah - three interesting, thought-provoking films that I am very happy to have experienced :)
The Hurt Locker.

Enjoyed it a lot even though it didn't really seem to have much going for it. Any other year i don't think it would have won a best picture oscar.
The Hangover

I think it was one of the funniest american comedy films I've seen for a long time. And Heather Graham never fails to show at least some saucy part of her body.


I also watched From Hell (7/10) and Sleepy Hollow (7/10)
The Fourth Kind

One of the worst horrors/scifis i've seen in a while.


Disagree, while not an outstanding movie, it was definately entertaining. It got my blood pumping in a few scenes - 6/10.

I watched Descent 2 last night, not as tense as the first, but some good cheap scare tactics - ie shoot a pic of 1 ofthe cast, flick away, flick back and there's a monster stood behind them, pause, pounce!!!!

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