What film did you watch last night?


Terrible story line and pretty awful film with the exception of some stupid bits that my sense of humour got along with

Cop Car.

Went toward an unexpected and abrupt end I suppose, but it kept me guessing leading up to it. 6/10 "Worth a watch but don't expect Oscar performances".

Watched this as well last night, quite good and not overly long, some parts were quite tense with what the kids were doing!

Good performances all round I thought.
Spectre 7.5/10

Some good shots of course, shame waltz didn't get more screen time though. Overall I liked it though, especially doctor swann;)
Batman Begins - 9/10

Rewatched this after several years of not seeing it. I have to say this for me, is probably the best reboot of a franchise in the history of film. The best Batman movie ever.
The "origin" of Batman and the story was fantastic and I loved what Nolan has done with the character.
Timeless classic for me.
Right At Your Door. Low budget indie movie about domestic terrorism. Fans of Hector Luis Bustamante will be pleased by his strong performance.


The Island. Arguably Michael Bay's one and only credible movie, adapted from a story by Caspian Tredwell-Owen. Stars Steve Buscemi as Steve Buscemi.

Левиафан. Relentlessly grim drama about the catastrophic collapse of Russian society under Vladimir Putin's Soviet style dictatorship.

Aleksey Serebryakov stars as Nikolay, a violent, poorly educated alcoholic peasant (symbolising the Russian people) whose filthy, rundown coastal property is under threat of compulsory acquisition by the corrupt mayor (symbolising Putin).

As the crisis deepens, Nikolay's family collapses and his friends begin to suspect him of criminal activity.

If you can put up with almost 2 hours of miserable East Slavic muzhiks lurching around Teriberka and grunting at each other in their primitive dialect while they drink themselves into an early grave and occasionally indulge in a burst of domestic violence, this could be the movie for you.

Me, Earl and the Dying Girl.

Absolutely fantastic coming of age movie, there has been quite a lot of this genre in the past year or so. But this sets the bar. 9/10.
Tropic Thunder and Three Kings, dunno why but Netflix USA/Europe have so much better movies than the UK Netflix, I'd happily pay to have access to all the librarys.
Mockingjay Part 2 - Went to try out 4DX (Star Wars trailer on that was amazing)

I've watched all the previous ones but haven't read the books so not too sure how much it sticks to those but it just felt slow paced apart from a scene in the middle of the movie that was so obvious and out of place it felt wrong. The ending felt bolted on to me also.

4 / 10
Rounders, a good blast from the past featuring an extremely young looking Matt Damon and Ed Norton getting into gambling debts with John Malkovic, who does a rather questionable Russian accent! Probably the best poker movie out there and very enjoyable on a Sunday evening.

Mocking Jay Part 2. Average at best, felt like we should have seen more of what was going on in the whole event and not just sticking to Katniss and Co the whole time. Then an abrupt ending. Not read the books so it may be 100% accurate for all I know.

Hitman 47 6/10

then straight onto

The Transporter Refueled

but i fell asleep at some point and woke up at 3am with a crooked neck :P

so will watch later
The 33

Based on the Chilean miners who got trapped and were eventually rescued after more than 2 months. Not bad and worth a watch.
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