What film did you watch last night?

Catch me if you can. 8/10

Very entertaining movie and brilliant ending. Even more amazing that it's a true story and then you look up the real Frank Abagnale as he looks now and imagine him being young and doing all that stuff. Mind blowing.
Catch me if you can. 8/10

Very entertaining movie and brilliant ending. Even more amazing that it's a true story and then you look up the real Frank Abagnale as he looks now and imagine him being young and doing all that stuff. Mind blowing.

We just watched that as well. Love it.

Knock knock.
The Big Short 8/10

Really enjoyed this two a bit hour Hollywoodization of the American financial crisis of 2008.

It shows how corrupt financial institutions were/are and just dont care.

Two small roles stole the film for me were the two mortgage brokers who seemed to gleefully relish in the fact that they would **** people over....until of course it all came crashing down.

Only thing that really irked me was that talking direct to the camera addressing the audience thing, not needed.

This was fantastic! Really, really good. Easily a 9/10. It's no action movie, believe me, but it is incredibly well written and acted and I actually liked them speaking to the camera.

Spotlight as well. Also good, but as above, very much a thinkers movie. Again well acted and directed, just a bit short compared to, well, the Big Short. 8/10.

Hateful 8. Typical Tarantino and therefore a well trodden track. Some interesting characters but I felt it a little flat. 7/10.
Blade - 8/10 - To think this is pretty much where all the comic book movie stuff started and as old as this movie is it's still so ridiculously cool, that blood rave scene is just epic.
Has anybody watched 6 Ways To Die?
If so I watched the ending 4 times and still haven't got a clue what happened.
Any chance of putting it in spoilers please?
The Danish girl. Hmmm. Total Oscar bait but its not as good as many people will say it is. Well acted but I wasn't taken in. Cringeworthy in parts and definitely not one to watch with your mum. Dragged a bit (no pun intended). 6/10.
TTSS is one film that I just do not understand. It's well written, well acted, well shot, it's clearly very clever and I have NO FLAMING IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON.

I think I must be stupid or something.

I'm watching this at the moment, it's on ITV. I haven't a clue what's going on. :D I'm enjoying it for the atmosphere and acting though.
There was me trying to figure out what TTSS was, so switched on ITV to find TDK instead.
Switched to CH4 and there we go :D

Acronyms ahoy!

Yeah, I only saw TTSS once and was absolutely baffed.
Blade - 8/10 - To think this is pretty much where all the comic book movie stuff started and as old as this movie is it's still so ridiculously cool, that blood rave scene is just epic.

The freaky fat blob with the child like voice was creepy bizarre.
Just watched Guardians of the Galaxy again. Really well put together comic book romp and probably the highlight of phase 2 of the marvell movies.
Finally got round to watching Terminator Genisys last night. Far better than I was expecting based on others recent reviews. Decently paced action, with little downtime over the 2 hour duration.
The different age's of Arnie was very well done and the rest of the effects were very impressive.

As a stand alone film it works fantastically, and as reboots/remakes/retcons go it is probably one of the better ones from recent times. Personally happier to include this with the original Terminator and T2 films, and forget T3 and salvation were ever made.

Bridge of Spies

Too historically warped for my taste. I had hoped this cold war tale would have been treated a little better, even by Spielberg.

A generous 4/10.
Finally got round to watching Terminator Genisys last night. Far better than I was expecting based on others recent reviews. Decently paced action, with little downtime over the 2 hour duration.
The different age's of Arnie was very well done and the rest of the effects were very impressive.

As a stand alone film it works fantastically, and as reboots/remakes/retcons go it is probably one of the better ones from recent times. Personally happier to include this with the original Terminator and T2 films, and forget T3 and salvation were ever made.


It is good fun, I'll give it that :)
How warped? There is some serious acting talent in this...I'll have to check it out...

The main thread of it was 'ok' but a lot of the background work and side issues and stories weren't good enough for me. Spielberg undoubtedly used "Strangers on a Bridge", written by Donovan (the character played by Tom Hanks) for the basis of the whole film, but he schmatzed it all up too much. I also didn't find Hank's or anyone else's acting in it to be memorable.
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