What film did you watch last night?

Youth - 7/10

It had a lot of things that I loved about it, but the middle got a little lost. Performances were good, and the pacing excellent. Not as good as The Great Beauty, but I love Sorrentino so I think I was always going to love it, it just happened to be that I didn't love it as much as I wanted to.
Movies have been made about many awful things, doesn't mean they can't be good movies, and it doesn't mean that you are not able to sympathise with someone, no matter their history, if a story is well told.

You are hardly the only one who hates paedophilia, but that doesn't mean this can't be a worthwhile tale.

I understand that. But I already don't care about Bacons Character...

Hence why probably I've not already watched it.
Martyrs (remake) 6/10
Not really sure what to say about this, it's a remake that skims over the original missing out on what the main character has to endure. I enjoyed it but maybe it's because I've seen the original.
The Big Short - Excellent film. Amazing how far will people will go in the name of greed and money.

Most of it worked for me although some of the 4th wall element didn't work but it was an enjoyable movie on what essentially a very dry topic.

Titanic, for the first time in about 10 years.

Still a great film in my eyes. Very emotional. Couldn't decide who was better looking between Leo or Kate. No homo.

Asterix and Obelix : Mansion of the Gods (2016) 2/10

Took my son to watch this on Sunday.......absolute garbage.

I am not sure if the issue is that French humour does not translate well, but it just failed to even bring a smile to my face.

Dirty Granpa 4/10
Starts off really bad, but doses improve towards the end to achieve mediocrity.

Edit: Doesn't deserve a 5.

Sorry, but I have to ask, what from the trailer made you stop and think "yeah, that would be a good film worth seeing"...?

De Niro has completely sold his soul. What on Earth has happened to a once fine actor that he has to consistently stoop to these God awful levels.

I could never imagine somebody like Tom Hanks doing something like this and essentially sullying his reputation.
Sorry, but I have to ask, what from the trailer made you stop and think "yeah, that would be a good film worth seeing"...?

De Niro has completely sold his soul. What on Earth has happened to a once fine actor that he has to consistently stoop to these God awful levels.

I could never imagine somebody like Tom Hanks doing something like this and essentially sullying his reputation.

De Niro considers himself a working actor: he likes to be making films. Unfortunately, the reality of the film industry is that at his age he just doesn't get offered many good roles (the roles for elderly male leads just aren't there), so he signs up to whatever production wants to give him a sizeable part.
Nah - it's not about cash, it's just about keeping busy.

It's not like he doesn't have his fair share of classics anyway. De Niro's got nothing to prove.
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