What film did you watch last night?


Well acted factual drama

Missed opportunity to investigate why the priest who admitted doing such things thought it was genuinely OK to do so..

Sicario - 9/10 - Full of suspense, brilliant visuals and a powerful soundtrack. One of the best thrillers of recent years!

Benicio del Toro is bloody cool.

All being well, if I can get the kids in bed early enough, I will watch this film tonight with the wife.
I saw this the weekend before last and loved it too, it was a dry topic but they really made it fun and interesting.

I can say with all honesty that I enjoyed it more than Wolf of Wall Street and came out feeling like I'd learned something to boot.

Steve Carell was imo the best performance in the film, followed by Christian Bale.

Agree with all this, especially about Steve Carell, he really stole the show for me.

What I was more impressed with was just how funny it was. It was almost a black comedy.
John Wick - 6/10

The age old cliche; the one that haunts all these films.

"Man is surrounded by a large group of armed hostiles. Who charge in to attack in close combat, having evidently forgotten that a gun is a ranged weapon. Or preferring to try to hit the good guy with their gun rather than firing it."

I know these kinds of films aren't supposed to be realistic, in any way, shape or form.

But doesn't the audience get bored of this? How exciting can it be to watch a guy kill a whole lot of, what I presume must be heavily lobotomised foot soldiers? Or maybe there's a global ammo crisis?

You should either explain why ammo is in such scarce supply that the mobsters are afraid to fire their guns, or put your "hero" in a position where it wouldn't make more sense to shoot at him then charge in wielding your gun like a truncheon.

And that's why it gets 6/10. We've all seen this film before, numerous times, and it's no cleverer than its predecessors.

Also Keanu still can't act. He wears this one perpetually puzzled expression, and imparts as much emotion into his characters as a toaster. Just like the Matrix.
Watched jack reacher again last night.
If you haven't read the books it's a good film, if you have read the books. Then watch it knowing it's not jack reached. Then it's also good. 8/10

If you watch it, expecting jack reached it is pants. Basically stole the name and one case and changed everything else.
Watched jack reacher again last night.
If you haven't read the books it's a good film, if you have read the books. Then watch it knowing it's not jack reached. Then it's also good. 8/10

If you watch it, expecting jack reached it is pants. Basically stole the name and one case and changed everything else.

I have not read the books, had no idea who Jack Reacher was, thought it was awful. :p Mediocre action flick with an overrated short dude.
And man was that good coffee in that film.

In honour of now playings podcast review of the masters of the universe, one more time with the dolph, meg fosters fantastic eyes, and the standout performance from frank langella.

Loads of stuff in the review I didn't know about before to look for in the film.. so good.

80's magic, a must for any child of the 80's.
The Prisoner.

Thought this was really good. At first I thought the acting was a bit wooden, but then I got it and thought it was great.
Interesting story line and really shows how people would react in the situation. Nice twist that I didn't see coming, but the ending was perhaps a bit weak.
8/10. However, doubt I'd watch it again.
Steve Jobs

Vaguely enjoyable with some great performances from the cast but then it just ends...very abruptly.

I was hoping it would continue into the iEra and show some of the ridiculous cult like behaviour he encouraged in the company and among the customers but alas, no.

The Lobster

A quite quite surreal film, very Wes Anderson in places. At times I didnt know what to make of it but I found it strangely compelling to watch. I saw many subtle themes within the film, relating to how our society perceives relationships and the pressure placed upon us around relationships. Not one I would watch a second time but I enjoyed it.

Conversely, my other half stopped watching after 30mins and labelled it as "utter utter crap" and she could not understand how it even got 10% in reviews, let alone 90%.

My rating - 7/10
Her rating - 0/10
Left Behind (2014)

Came home from work to find my mum watching this - It's hilarious how bad it is :p

Turned it off about half way through :p
The Big Short 8/10
Made a potentially dull subject into an engrossing, entertaining and fairly educational film.

Only potential bad point was Rafe Spall, don't particularly like him to be honest.
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