What film did you watch last night?

Warcraft - 7/10

A solid fantasy film, and this coming from someone who has never played a single warcraft game, and i hope i does well enough for a sequel.

Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters - 7.5/10

I've never seen this because it looked terrible from the trailers, however it was very enjoyable to watch, and I'm glad it was violent rather than being aimed at the under pg crowd.

Timecrimes - 9/10

Utterly brilliant!
Brexit - The Movie (from YT).

A genuine documentary (by which I mean that it's not the ramblings of some CT nut) about how the EU works. Wow, what a enlightening film. Forget all the nonsense about house prices, recessions, immigration etc; the real (unspoken) focus of the referendum should be how much power this corrupt, unelected, gravy-train riding bunch of Eurocrats have and how much more they want. It was very eye-opening for me.
Eddie the Eagle. 6.5/10. I put this on for the wife but actually found it quite engaging. Once I got passed the fact that (a) he seems to be strongly autistic and (b) Eggsy! then I started to enjoy myself. Hugh Jackman is fun in the role although his character is an invention for the film. Nonetheless, I enjoyed it. It's not something I'd rewatch but passed a pleasant 100 minutes.
Eggsy did a fantastic job of immitating Edwards' weird facial expression too. :)
10 Cloverfield Lane 6/10.

Quite tense at times and Goodman's character was a conundrum. Couldn't tell if he was kind, evil, psychopathic, schizophrenic or whatnot. Overall though, I felt I got a big build up to not very much at all. The ending is very anticlimactic and overall, this is just a pale shadow of the original.

London Has Fallen 5/10

This film without doubt swoops the award for the most unrealistic terrorist attack ever. It made me cringe with the ridiculousness of it.

I thought the police and the ambulance terrorists were bad enough, but once the queens guard started taking everyone out I gave out all hope for the film there and then.
After this it was just shoot, stab, rinse repeat until an even more unbelievable end. Immediately forgettable.

Seems to be a lot of duff films around lately or maybe I'm just getting to pernickity.
28 Weeks Later - 7/10

Enjoyed it a bit more than the first one. Characters were still idiots, apart from Renner's. He was alright. The whole situation could have easily been avoided though and it annoyed me greatly. Guessing there will be a third one soon.

Another Earth - 7/10

Very low budget but I really enjoyed it. Pretty cool idea too. Plus Brit Marling is nice to look at. ;)

The One I Love - 5/10

I like these types of films but this was a silly idea and not well executed. Not as good as Coherence, although that's not saying much...
Spy. My my, this film gets some serious love on Rotten Tomatoes. It's patchy. There's a few properly funny bits, and some of the action scenes are pretty good, but there's a lot of crud in there. Jason Statham is pretty good in ridiculous scenery chewing mode. Rose Byrne is hawt. Overall... Meh.

And at risk of sounding like an old man, I could really have done with less swearing. It's so cheap and crass when it's overused. I'm not averse to swearing when it's well done - Tarantino gets it right most of the time, and it really works in things like Superbad or The Inbetweeners - but when it just becomes punctuation because the writing isn't very good then it gets really tiresome.
28 Weeks Later - 7/10 Guessing there will be a third one soon.

I'd like to think there will be, but that was a 2007 film. I've read something about '28 months later' a while back, but haven't heard anything for ages. I don't even know if it's a 100% genuine or not.
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I'd like to think there will be, but that was a 2007 film. I've read something about '28 months later' a while back, but haven't heard anything for ages. I don't even know if it's a 100% genuine or not.

Yea there's a lot of definitely/possibly/maybe surrounding a 3rd movie. Last talk I read was back at the start of 2016(I think) where Danny Boyle said andrew garland had a 'lovely idea' about a script for the 3rd film but couldn't/wouldn't say any more. Fingers crossed though that they do come up with a 3rd instalment.
Yea there's a lot of definitely/possibly/maybe surrounding a 3rd movie. Last talk I read was back at the start of 2016(I think) where Danny Boyle said andrew garland had a 'lovely idea' about a script for the 3rd film but couldn't/wouldn't say any more. Fingers crossed though that they do come up with a 3rd instalment.


Would love to see another '28 something' movie, too. :)
I am tired of zombie movies now, I think I've had enough. The formula has been worn thin in the past few years, especially with the Walking Dead being on TV every year.
I am tired of zombie movies now, I think I've had enough. The formula has been worn thin in the past few years, especially with the Walking Dead being on TV every year.

I generally love zombie movies. Love the Romero stuff and I am a big TWD fan. Saying that though the Romero 'shuffle' zombies dont compare to the runners in the 2004 Dawn of the Dead remake and the 28 days later (bloody terrifying).
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers Of Benghazi - 8/10

Really enjoyed this one and not as bad as reviewers have put it. There is the less of the patriotic stuff in this movie compared to a lot of the recent American war movies as it centres on PMCs (private military contractors) who are cynical and jaded about war. Its directed by Michael Bay and he's fairly restrained on this making it more like a "documentary" feel reather than a ADHD kid with a camera..

The Nice Guys - 8.5/10

Really good buddy thriller/comedy detective flick. Ryan Gosling plays physical comedy really well against Russell Crowe's straight tough guy. Its more in the vein of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang than Lethal Weapon. Go see this when you can.
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